Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I got a precious and prized Thank you note from Pastor Martin,

after the fudge, stating that he couldn't eat the fudge and that he had received alot of confections for the holidays, but that he really appreciated the effort and the affections that sent it. I was very glad to receive such a correspondence and probably wouldn't have remembered the occasion, if he had eaten the fudge. Honest and intentional and discriminating in his pastoral affections was a deliberate action to Pastor Martin. I do appreciate the efforts for my soul that were expressed. They did much, to impress my soul of the multidimensional facets of the love of God. I know that that was the intent.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I made my very first batch of fudge for the first Christmas at Trinity.

It was a mystical trip to a far away land for us. We had traveled so far outside of our comfort zone. I really felt convicted of the Holy Spirit to give what I had to those who labored for our souls.
The Elders there had nurtured such a relationship of sheep to shepherd that you felt that you could nearly see the labors that they were doing on our behalf. It was like taking the box off of a motor. You could see the gears moving. You could pray specifically for them in their work of instructing and guiding. The work of breaking forth the Word to us was not taken for granted. We prayed at prayer meeting for God to meet with us on His Day and instruct us and to break through the human limitations of sloth and self serving to give us real benefit from the fellowship of one with another. It seemed and was tangible and a seed of faith growing in our souls. All that I could bring was my fledgling abilities to cook some fudge. It was my favorite and I gave what I could. I was blessed to receive and I gave whatever else I could.
God had given knitted hearts to brethren from other cultures and places and we were apprectiative that although we had left father and mother and sisters and brethren, God had given us of Himself and fellowship with other of like mind.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hezekiah's clean up of the Temple

Tracing the path of Joy through the OT. Pastor’s sermon on Hezekiah, showed me much of what God placed in that portion of Scripture. I only think about Hez as the man that compromised his faith and sought repentance and won 15 extra years of life, in mercy. I really didn’t notice the passage that Pastor remarked about until a couple of weeks ago. I had read it, but I hadn’t noticed the joy that was restored to God’s people through the ministry of Hezekiah. A king that had a heart for God and God gave him the gift of joy and it says that there had not been joy like that in Israel since the temple was built in Solomon’s day. Sacrifices were made such that they had to hire people other than the Levites to process the sacrifices. What an amazing revelation of God’s true gifts to His people. We look at the gifts of gold and frankenscense and myrrh and stuff around the tree as gifts. But God, gave to these people something that was felt and noted in scripture as a better gift than the wealth that there was in Solomon’s day. Wealth has its place and God does give even that to people richly to enjoy. He lavishes and enjoys the wealth of the beauty of His creation and said each day of creation that it was good. He joys and comes present and basks, as it were in the praises of His people. He is rich with those praises from His redeemed creation. That is a song that no other portion of creation can raise and the scripture states that God inhabits it. He expects us to note the presence and the absence of joy in the midst of the people and seek it when absent. Something that is very hard to ascertain in some ways. I have been in places where the music and the beauty of praise of God was there and the joy of the Lord was not. I have been in places where there were no instruments and not a trained voice in the bunch and the joy of the Lord was most evident. God gives us discernment. Making His praise glorious can have much to do with as it were “tuning our hearts to sing His praise” “ Streams of mercy calling for sounds of loudest praise.” If God has taught us the sonnet, we should sing it with trained or untrained voices. Let us not be deceived by the beauty of the sound. Let us not be deceived by the riches of the things that we posess as the children of Israel may have been and then get surprised when it is said of us,there was no joy in the camp from this time to that time, and we were not aware. Let us offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving to God and stoke those flames daily lest the muck and mire of the garbage thrown in the temple keep our hearts from truly giving Him the glory. Choirs of angelic voices and orchestras of the most beautiful arrangements cannot replace the joy of the Lord, in the midst of the people of God. When God is praised, the most special gift that He bestows is the joy of the Lord. It is our strength. When we were without strength…We know that Jesus died for us. Also there is a return that He receives for the gifts that He gives. Rejoicing and praise, the sacrifice of praise in difficulty, sometimes through blinding tears. And the liberty of praise, whether loud or quiet undimmed by human dismay and grief is something to truly enjoy. God enters into that. God gives strength for the weary and rejoicing to His people in the midst of every circumstance.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

In introduction...~Pastor Martin... III

We were introduced to Pastor Martin the first time. It was a while after our having gone to the church. A young married couple seeking direction to stay married and become a godly family. I was, a fearful person of these people and not aggressive in socialization. My husband, on the other hand was, blessedly affected by the preaching. He was aware that it was directive and concentrated preaching from the Word of God. Because of our upbringing of integration, we had no limits to the lengths that we would go for spiritual food that would give us what we needed. We had figured that, if we had gone to the "ends of the earth" for mental development and education, does not God deserve more of us than that. God did. 6am we woke to travel from Queens to Mid New Jersey for the best preaching and teaching systematic theology and churchmanship and pastoral instruction, that I believe there could have been on the earth. Why we did what we did was explained and proven from scripture and even if we didn't agree we were carried in our consciences that this was a conviction from scripture. Ben went to Pastor Martin and said, somewhat idolizing, yet innocently, "Didn't our hearts burn within us..." Pastor Martin rebuked him sharply, the only thing he could do at such a statement. Hey man, I am not Jesus! was the gist of his response. The instruction was taken to heart and over our time there we would learn that he was mature in the Lord, but certainly not a perfect man and no one is worthy of the praise, but God. Respect, yes, but praise, no. I was the other type of sheep. No idolatry for me. You are just a tool of the Lord and as far as I was concerned, I didn't even want to say hello to such a great man. He could have thought that I was being impolite, but he chose to see shyness. He noticed this also and never let me get back to Queens without a greeting. No matter which door I snuck out of. Godly care was evident on both ends of the spectrum, as was our experience. That is not an easy thing to do.
Distinguished and gifted can be scary and intimidating to people. There can be people who would never have socialized together, except for the grace of God. God used some of the distinguished Christian men in my acquaintance to heal my heart and give me some different pictures of God other than austere and unswerving. I could see gracious and even condescending in some of the experiences of interacting with godly men throughout my life. Fathers and brothers and uncles and other godly relationships that the Lord restored to me, did much to draw me to a more well rounded view of God as the father, teacher, healer, deliverer, friend...
I am indeed grateful and am sure I would have turned away by now from the initial view of God that I had developed in my mind, even from reading the scriptures, minus the godly examples that the Lord tossed my way to direct my thinking from the eskewed views that I had developed. I saw, initially only militant and warrior God. He is so much more merciful, than militant...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thy work not mine, O Lord!

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new like the dew. David was rejecting man worship, in a way that Herod, in the New Testament did not. When the people spoke to Herod and said this man speaks like a God, He did not give the glory to the Lord.
They sang of David, Saul has killed his thousands... and David his ten-thousands. This would have killed most men in their pride. David, though, was aware of the motive of idolatry that makes men go beyond the bounds to honor their leader. He, in response poured that kind glory to the Lord alone. He poured, as it were, a drink offering to the Lord. Sometimes our children may honor us more than is due. Sometimes students or those of lesser station may hear our hearts bearing witness of a need or want and they may go beyond the bounds of reason to grant that request. Mary did with Jesus. Only because He was the Lord of Glory could He have received such a pouring out of human emptying, in public. I really can't think of any other situation where that would be appropriate. Jesus is God and worthy of all of the glory. We can receive praise and respect to a point, but we must give all the glory to the Lord who made us and redeemed our souls.
The rich young ruler was deceived into believing that he could be good enough for God. People tell rich people this. We are guilty of coddling people or manipulating people in their sensitive consciences. Steven Curtis Chapman wrote, It is Your World Lord!
In a sense he was saying, what am I supposed to do about all of the mass of human need and my sense of ability in some sense and yet inability in another sense. There are billions of people who would or could use what I could give them. That song takes me to the people and reminds me that it is never wrong to pray about the mass of human need. Only God can meet all of the human needs. The greatest king and the best mother could never meet all of her children's or subjects needs.
Guilt is not what God wants for us. Making real attempts at usefulness and aid and having plans and planners for the needs that we can meet and prayer for the needs that are beyond us. I love the fact that in the Valley of Decision, it shows that the boss knew that he was being held responsible for his employee's infirmity and was being cursed daily by that man in his grief. His response was respect and care for the man as much as possible and doing what he could to promote moving ahead and forward with a good conscience. This is My Father's World, not mine.

Jesus, called the rich young ruler into fellowship with Himself by offering Him a relationship. Sell what you have and follow me. That was only due to Him because He was the Lord of Glory. The demoniac on the other hand begged to be with Jesus and Jesus denied him. God became sin for us, that we, whoever we are, rich or poor, Redeemed clean or redeemed demoniac, should have the peace of God and own the righteousness of God through Christ. No strings attached.
Dec. 6, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Things that I learned from Pastor Martin.II

We were a motley pair and so very different. He showed us, by example the ability to keep an equivolent distance between yourself and whoever it is you come in contact. I tease that he and Ben have no sense of personal space and that does come from being in and about a large family where there is no such thing as personal space. But, he seemed to know how to push the dashing sheep to an appropriate distance lovingly and draw the fearful sheep to a closer proximity. Ben and I were opposites in socializing. I ran like the plague from any proximity to intimacy that there could be. Ben ran into it. He told Ben, in a kind way, this is my personal interactive space and here is the line, and yet with me, he seemed to bid me to come nearer. No way! No Way! It took years to build the shepherd sheep intimacy that was allowed us as members of that local body for me. My baggage, is my excuse. He saw my baggage and slowly, like a shepherd tried to chip away at it.
That is godliness. The wicked, lay upon their beds and try to devise plans to take advantage and the godly (especially shepherds) chew the cud of the personality of the sheep and what might benefit them.
There were personal attempts to address me in my seeming shyness. There were public remarks made, not directly about me, but about controversial subjects that might spark some sort of emotional response. Where are you? He seemed to say. That is a shepherd in the introduction. Where are you and if I can see where you are teaching you how to interact with himself in an appropriate way.
Probably, many people are like that. It just seems unusual to me because I was so injured at the time.
I can see that God was doing the same thing in my soul. Speaking my language to teach me His.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Proverbs 8 verses 34-36 Meditations - It's Me, O Lord...Standing in the need of Prayer.

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. The Lord shows His love and mercy to those who make it the business of their souls to honor Him in their practice. Going to worship Him. Giving to the Kingdom of the Lord. When a person sins against the Word of the Lord, that is the sin of loving death. It is so dangerous to be those whose responsibility it is to work in the cutting room of the Word of the Lord. Making meals for those whose hearts have come to worship the King of Glory. As when the priest went in, unprepared and he died, that is the loving of death. When we make merchandise of the Word of God, we are the ones most in danger of loving death. Death to our souls can ensue and we may not even know it. It is almost as though, the ones who teach the Word of the LOrd have the most privy to the disentery, than those who eat it. The devil, himself sets up shop in the workshop of the Word of God to cut it in a way to damn men's souls. Annanias and Saphira lied to the Holy Ghost and their lot was death. Those who lie to the Holy Ghost and make merchandise of the people of God are the ones most in danger of loving death. There is help and healing for every sin of the soul and all who come to God in repentance can find cleansing and healing and mercy. But those who eat the flesh of the people of God, may be blinded to their own infirmity and love death and not know it until that day. Proverbs 8:36

The Blessed Man in verse 34 is seen listening to the LOrd and listening for the Lord. Where are You? He is saying. These obtain favor from the Lord. The imagination of David as being in deep thought and yet thinking about the Lord in that thought is a true one. How much else we can get caught up in, other than the goodness of the LOrd. All the more the more family that we have. We can spend our time thinking how to sow discord in the family unit. We can think about what someone else has that we don't have. David thought about all of those things in the light of the goodness of God. That is a discipline and a nurture of thought. Not what God has not given me, but what God has given me when He has given others that. That is finding life. Finding life in the circumstances that God has given to me. Am I a king? I can be humbled in the thought that God has given to me the privilege of shining His goodness in reflecting His mercy in my kingliness. Am I a pauper? I can reflect that God has given me the privilege of reflecting the humility of His Son coming to save us from our sins. God, in Christ has salvation for all stations in life, not just for the rich and those who can buy the Gospel. All stations. Listen for His Word in the place where I am.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Things that I learned from Pastor Martin!

There is a man, other than my father, whose name I call just about every day. Although we spent many days under the shepherding care of so very many men, I have recently had reason to glorify God for the specific lessons of grace and mercy through the ministry of this one. I pray that now that he is retired, I will be enabled by God to shed some light on the purposeful ministry that did much to instruct my soul.
Like a child, much of the disciplines that I had seen in Pastor Martin, at the time did not seem pleasant but burdensome, yet, in retrospect they have gleaned much in the way of edification and I do hope that the relationship of sheep to shepherd would help and guide my children to know some of the ingredients of the things that I attempt to pass along to them. These things are a posession of the soul, which no thief can steal, but it can be horded and not passed along. I cannot talk enough to tell them of the many relationships that God has used to bless my soul.

I. The Introduction of the Shepherd.
a. careful approach
b. small guidance given initially
c. waiting for a response from the sheep
d. small increments of familiarity developed
e. building a give and take relationship
f. improving communication regularly

I came to Jesus just as I was, Weary, Worn and Sad. I found in Him a resting place and He has made me glad.

Introduction of the Shepherd

A newly wed and with much baggage, but a great love for God and His Word, we became enamored with the reformed doctrines and the ministry of Trinity Baptist Church. It would have been easy for a person to just accept our fanclub like relationship and leave it there. In this day of idol making, it is easy or would have been easy to stand aloof from a real shepherding relationship with us, in leu of an easy distant tutorial, professor, student relationship. Pastor Martin didn't accept that from us. We learned about real relating shepherd to sheep...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Psalms 91;12
They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
God has given His angels protective power over us. Not allowing us to go through anything that was not specifically ordained by Him, for our good. If we don't know Him, the good that they are purposed to do is to introduce Him to us. Many people, that is all they ever learn. Every consideration and every trouble is saying, come to Jesus, in the pardon of your sins. The other extreme are the wonderful godly people like the Jobs who the devil is showing off their faith to the spiritual bleachers. The audience of the heavenlies are looking and the devil takes on God Himself using this Godly amazing man. Around and around they wrestle with this God honoring man and God is at work winning the souls of others to Himself and shining His light upon the world through this holy man. Most of us fall somewhere between those two. We are presumptuous, too often and think more highly of ourselves, but we all have an audience on earth and in heaven. God is able to wrestle the devil and his imps on every level at the same time. And now we also have the added things that Job didn't have we have the bride of Christ His church interceding for us and holding us up and we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. We are more than a conqueror through Him.

They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Occasionally, they have to pick us up or move stuff to get us out of the way of huge harm. They must be very strong. If the angels hand bear us up to keep us from hurting or harming ourselves they are very strong. Anyone who has watched children for any length of time has seen the angels at work, first hand. It is like the work of the wind. You are sure that the child is doomed and you are too far to do anything but pray. Down he or she rolls heading for some great catastrophe and you are moving as fast as you can to get there and lo and behold another child moves between or they stop, or are stopped in their tracks. I know I have seen it. In car, possible mishaps. They play a football game on the highway to get us to church sometimes. Halleluia, for God's ministering spirits!

You will tread upon the lion and the adder: the young lion and the dragon, you shall trample under foot. The devil and the forces that bring death and destruction will be subject to the people on the earth who know and love the Lord. The keys of death, hell and the grave are given to the Lord Jesus. We can know how and what makes us tick and how and what is tremulous to us now can be overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. Studying the words of people of the past. God is a spirit and does not have a body like us. We make things so much more mystical than He ever does. If He said let there be and it is still reverberating through time as it does. We need study the natural revelation and stop making things so mystical about His dealings with us. That which is revealed belongs to us and to our children forever. Preserving and recouping the libraries that were burned throughout time is the key. God told the people to burn and ravage the idolaters camp because He was preserving a seed to bring salvation to the earth. Not because they were stupid people. God has a value in His creation for creation sake. We are missing the sights and beauty of the image of God revealed in the people groups around us, when through prejudice we close our eyes to the truth that they represent, or that we represent; when redeemed in Christ.

Psalms 91:14
Because He hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him:I will set him on high, because he has known my name.

Salvation is through Christ alone and that seems to be the apparent dillemma that Jesus was alluding to when He quoted the "Lord said to my Lord". Who is God talking to? God is conversing within His Triune self and showing the completion of His work for us in and through Christ, even before it is accomplished. He Jesus set His love upon Me the Fathe and therefore whoever is in Him Jesus and God through Him is delivered and set on high because He has represented God upon the earth, once and for all.

He shall call upon me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.

God has a covenant to be God to His people. To answer and to be with them and to deliver and even to honor. What humility, that God would even discuss honoring people. There had to be a Savior for that to happen. God couldn't honor sinful man, unless they were in and with Christ. Reconciliation and Honor and Glory belongs to God alone and to man through the means of Christ. Halleluia!

Psalm 91:16
With long life will I satisfy him and shew him my salvation.
It all did look lost at the crucifixion for that promise. But Jesus rose and is alive and this proves that this is true because Jesus is alive and we who are alive spiritually will remain alive in Him. Death is not the end of the story on the right hand or the left. God was giving them, as it were a little glimpse of a time when death would be insignificant in the spiritual life of believer and unbeliever. "And after death, the judgement!"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Prayers For the Daddies.

thinking about Kat's letter to Spencer Tracy and my daddy and Shirley Temple. What love for men is lost when we don't cherish our father's care. A prayer of repentance mostly, that I didn't use my strength to encourage my daddy's labors and cover my father's sins, as I ought to have...

The ministry of God to the daddies. Poor Spencer, Poor my Dad and my husband, the expectations are so high and the disappointments are so tangible. Are we really ministering to the "Manned of God"?
The power of masculinity that powers the world that we live in. The strength of the wind is stoked and pushes the world into the future. Holding the swords for my men, husband, father, who is gone and sons. Allowing myself to be a pure motivation and picture of the provision of God for the love of men. We all seek our own and we run from the responsibility of looking like and acting like the helper that God intends for us to be. Let me love with the doing of the dishes with affection and not cantankerous complaints. Let me love in the preparations of the meals with the affection and kindness. Let me extend forgiveness with the example of Christ before me so that when I am the blessed one to be chosen to bear the burdens of the beloved of my heart to the throne that I do it without complaint and judgementalism. Men need affection and understanding and holding as much as women. A faithful sister and a faithful friend and a faithful daughter and a faithful mother knows her beloved and loves him anyway.
The way that Shirley Temple sang to her daddy in that fictional song to her daddy, in purity and love is something that we have lost because of our perversity as a culture. Love of children to their parents and love of parents to children is perverted in sin, but redeemed in Christ to the salvation of the relationships of the family. Let us not lose another generation of men to the give up, because they are not instructed in their youth and nurtured in self control and family dynamics. God use the ministry of the Word to raise the standard of family love. Of brotherly lovingness, of maternal and filial love to reflect the intensity of the Grace of God. Let us give the men of power and strength who direct us and empower us with their wisdom and strength, the freedom to understand their limitedness and that we would encourage them and cover them with the blanket of love in their humanness. Bless the men who have led us to this point and protect the hearts and minds of the pastors and teachers,:my dear husband, Pastor Loran, Nichols, Bishop, Martin, etc. Give them strength and encouragement today for the work of leading our next generation and our generation into the future. Strengthen their hearts and minds hands and voices to propel us into what is Your will for our world. For Your glory and for the good of the Gospel in the world. Amen.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Psalm 91

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High...
He that is in Christ, is a new creature....
He that knows the Lord of Glory in the pardon of his sins
He that is in communion with God in Christ with the knowledge of sins forgiven.
He that lives with a sense of the cleansing power of Christs sacrifice shed on behalf of his sins
He that continually flees to Christ for cleansing and healing and strength and hope.
He who has Christ advocating to the Father on his behalf and lives in the light of that.
He who does not pull down the shade of conscience without feeling the pangs of the knowledge that it was that sin that caused Christ pain and suffering.
He that loves God enough to live for him and die to self regularly.
He that is in the secret place of the most High...

Psalms 91_2
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in Him I will trust.

I will speak of the refuge that God has been to me, in protection, encouragement and life.
I will say that the protection and the answer has come from God
I will talk about the trust that I have in Him.
I will tell others that when I am protected it was the Lord who delivered and came through.
I will talk about the times that I have had to run to Him for strength and protection.
I will say that God has been there when I have run to Him
I will say about the Lord that He is the house of my soul and the protection of my life and that which belongs to us.
I will talk about His good purposes for my soul in the difficulties and the protection of God in the fearful times.
I will say that the Lord belongs to me, It is awesome that the Lord of the Universe will be posessed in relationship with the likes of me. I will say that He is mine. I will say that I trust Him in circumstances and difficulties. People who have little idols which they carry have nothing on me. My God belongs to me. He makes Himself accessible and available to listen and to protect, to guide and to guard. God, who needs nothing, owns the friendship and defends the relationship with those who are His own.
We need no little idol on a charm or a shelf. He belongs to me, just as personally. He is mine. He is mine, He is mine, He is mine.
Not until you are posessed and owned, cherished and delighted in. A posession, a personal protected portion of another person can you appreciate the condescencion of God in this way to be posessed, as though a slave.
He belongs to me. I belong to Him. He is available and gracious and happy to be so for His people. So that when His people implore Him to act, because He is their purchased posession and He is their God of choice among the people who trust in all of the other things and gods available. He stands and poses, among the idols of the world. Don't you want to trust me? Don't you see what I can do for you. He stands next to drugs and money and says count the costs. People trust these things. I will say of the Lord. I have chosen Him and He is mine. When the other idols adorn themselves and take my eyes off of that which belongs to me I will say of the Lord. I have a refuge. I have a fulfillment above all of the earthly enticements. The Eunuchs Acts 7 were seen to be above the earthly and fleshly enjoyments. Not enticed by the sensual or enticing. God is agape, the love that is above that of the Eunuch's love. Condescends to enjoy and relish the relationship of being my God. I am going to deliver her. I am going to be there to catch her tears because I am her God. When I lay my head upon His lap in my grief, He is owned by me and glad to be know as my God, even though He needs nothing. I will say of the Lord, I pillow my head upon Him and I enter into Him as my home and protection.

Why did the devil quote Psalm 91 to the Lord Jesus? The devil is a master at using the scripture verses that promise self promotion and consideration. Look at you, he says. You deserve all of the glory and the honor and the praise, why don't you just take it right now? That was the temptation and he used the scripture verse in the right way because Jesus is God. Jesus is the only person that the devil wasn't lying when he said that to. Jesus reminded us by His response that all self aggrandizement is sin. Even when deserved, it is sin to make provision for your own glory and glorification. I am here to take care of You, says the devil. Even the demons are keeping You in all Your ways and You see that, he said to the perfect Savior. Even I have to submit myself to You and only use the word of God aright when dealing with You. It ached the devil to have to tremble and use the word in truth in the presence of the Saviour. But he submitted as all creation must and had to flee at the rebuke of the Lord.
Look what he left out. You are in constant communion with God, vs9. Because you have made the Lord, Your refuge, You are taken care of.
Yo, man, You are all that and You know You are all that, how come you don't just jump off this high place and make stones into bread and show Yourself who You are. Why You so humble, man? Why You ain't makin' me do stuff that will glorify You in front of people. Why are we out in the wilderness with all this power. You and me we could go places. Jesus said, God's word is what I am here to exalt, this ain't no circus. This ain't no show of Holy Power for power sake. This has a plan to it. There is something that has to be accomplished here. The devil had no idea what Jesus was here to do or why he was sent to tempt him. He is finite. Redemption and reconciliation of man to God was a secret inside the Godhead. God said the secret things belong to the Lord. He didn't say devil, let me tell you what God is about to do. There is that kind of question in the devil's interaction in the wilderness. Am I the thousand that are going to be falling at Your right hand. come on, let's at it now then. It is not the time yet devil. We will have our day and not in your way. We ain't rumbling in the streets in front of people because God is not about making a spectacle of His love for man. All of a sudden, in the most humble way possible, we were redeemed, at the price of His life and His blood and even His human pride was vanquished for the redemption of a people who would be reconciled to God. Devil, you coming with Psalm 91 at me, let me break it down to you this way, You shall love the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. What you are about is the service and love of self, even in your use of the scriptures. Its going to take me 3 years to race you to the cross. This is the rumble of eternity and God intends to win this conflict because He created man to be in communion with Himself. You know that you don't dwell in the secret place of the most High, so the answers to your questions remain to be seen. God is to be praised and worshipped and adored not used and exploited. Why you hungry then? said the devil, make these stones into bread. I don't understand somebody great as You are condescending to something so base as hunger and so easy to eradicate it. This is a spiritual thing devil and it is none of your business, but since you are sent for me to explain the mentality of my spiritual discipline, let me break that down, but not for you, for those that come to God in Me. said Jesus in those statements paraphrasing , it seems. The fact that the devil used that passage and so much was said and so little was said meant that the people of those days knew what the devil was saying to Jesus when he used that passage. They were familiar with those passages. They could've stoned him for refering to himself as being the direct embodiment of the secret place of the Most High God. The devil knew that He was the secret place of the Most High God. The demons believe and tremble and obeyed. In Christ we are in the secret place of the Most High God and we have to beware when the devil attempt to come at us with the very same temptations, but not really the same because we are not the secret place of the most high God. We are in the secret place of the Most God, if we are in Christ.

Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.
Sometimes, I wonder why He hasn't delivered me from the snares and pestilences of the past. That is insignificant. I believe that He loves me and that He will deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence and that He will make those who have made themselves our enemies into His enemies. He identifies with us and He makes Himself my shield and my defender. He cares about the tears that I cry. He cares about the concerns that concern me and has them under control. He has made Himself my God and my King and my refuge and my redeemer and my fortress and my refuge and my God and I will trust Him!

He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Feathers to cover. protection and rest. comfort in distress. wing to lean upon. shield and protector. All of these are under. We are content to remain under his wings. He is the glory. He is the beauty and the adornment. He is the sweetness and the covering. He is the special protector and deliverer for His people. Each feather has a purpose of protection and care. Each feather of covering is for my good and I can run under and be protected and helped. Noisome pestilence cannot reach me there. snares and capturers cannot catch me there.

You shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flies by day.

I do remember the terror. It is very hard to imagine that terror being gone now. God is bigger than any enemy of my soul or body. I was afraid, too often to name. I have seen God be my protector and my recompense. Every shiver of soul inflicted and every fearsome and fearful glare and overwhelming circumstance are placed under Jesus' feet. Walking and hoping not to be beaten for whatever today. People do not know what kind of emotional strain that is to children. Spare the rod spoil the child, they hold over the children's heads. Many a good discipline may be instructed and solidified by stern and severe oppression of a child's heart and mind, but beware that the spirit is not broken by your much and intense severity. God will hold you accountable. A broken spirit who can bear. When God picks up the pieces of my spirit that are crushed into the ground and stepped upon and tries to use it, I wonder if there is anything there. Like the dust, it seems to scatter. He says He knows our frame and considers that we are dust and if, as it were our spirit is crushed and broken and heart crushed and broken, it is not His fault. That is always the question of little children. Where were you God? Why did you give those people charge over my spirit to crush me? God knows. He says that we need not be afraid and though the fiercest terror come by night. Water upon and whips and scourging and threatenings and beatings and putting out and bad mouthing and ostracizing and sickness and loss of mind and perhaps even loss of life, as was James' lot; God will undertake. He will find a place for the body. He has made provision for the sould crushed by greedy clerics and ungodly people using gifts to fill their coffers and put their children through college. God will care when it is my time to die and give up the ghost and will provide for even that. Medicines and institutions and lack of money and lack of spirit and incapacities are no match for His power. He gets the glory in my distresses and the deadness of my life. He restores my soul! Arrows by day? Terrors by night? He is greater and will cover.

Worshipping the Lord with my mind?
Ps 91:6
Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
God has my cause in His wings. I must know that. There is pestilence and there is destruction, but they are not because I love Him. He has my cause. I am not afraid of those things because my God is the Holy doctor and the holy protector of His people. He has more than a cure for those illnesses. He has a remedy. I may succumb to the sickness and things in Christ, but ultimately He will vanquish every illness and disease. Mental, emotional. I scare myself at being so sick sometimes. He has the cure and the remedy and will take care of my children in my personal absence because of my limitations. I don't have to be afraid even of myself in my sickness. He is my protector from and for me. Destruction truly wastes at the noonday. and pestilence truly eats in the night, but He has the cures, like keys in His hands to sickness, death, hell and the grave. We need, but ask Him.

A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. The wing of the Lord is around you! Especially, in grief, is this a comfort. God is the one who holds us up. The righteous one is standing when the rest of the world is doubled over in the pain. God is his stay. Fallen and falled by sin and sadness? God will lift you and be the lifter of your head, in this trial. God has a purpose and it is His delight to show forth His strength in the multitudes. Halleluia!

A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. God's purpose and plan has a timetable and it will not be done until it is done. You will see many die and go in, seeming unintentional ways hither and thither, whose life seems to have no theme or purpose. Not God's people. God always writes a theses statement over His beloved. He sets them upon the way that they should go and they go that way. Everybody else may peter out and fall on the battle field. But God holds the power for the batteries for the energizer bunny and she keeps going and going and going and God's theme is written over her head. Even years down the line, when people have written negative epitaph upon your gravestone because of their wickedness. God holds the last word and will exume purpose and design and the theme of your life from the dust to weave it into His plan. We stumble and fall and catapault ourselves erelong, sometimes and lo and behold we bump right back into the purpose of God for our lives. When we get up from our knees in repentence we need just look and it is right there. Only the fog of unbelief hides it from our gaze. As with Horatio, who went to the depths of the caves of unrighteousness committing dastardly deeds, his conscience bearing witness to that. God can save to the utmost and that which we place into our children, for God's glory may not be enjoyed by them, but it is for someone somewhere who reads the story and finds encouragement that God can and does save to the utmost all them who come to God through Him.

Psalm 91 9
Because you have made the Lord which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.
Because you live in the light of the statutes of the Lord. Because you have listened to the word of the Lord, not just with admiration but with intention. Because you have lived within the confines of the direction of the revealed will of God, in your life. Because you do not allow the directions of the cultures and their lives to be your law and motivation. Because the kingdoms of this world live in subservience to the Lord in your estimation. This is the relationship that God owns and protects and cherishes. Who is first and most important? God is almighty and He stays His hand of destruction from the wicked, or we would all be consumed. He allows and sits in consideration of all of His creation for creations sake, but has a peculiar relationship with those who draw nigh to Him. Blessed are the meek...

Psalm 91:11 For, He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Angels are given to guide and direct us to the mercy seat of the Most High. They are given to protect us into the presence of His Most Holy Mercy. Sometimes we bump smack into them as they are reproving us and they have to smack us into the mercy of God like a mother smacking the child into next Tuesday. And sometimes their gentle wings guide us tenderly into the merciful presence of the Lord through long listening and obedience. However we get there, they make sure that all who should be there are there.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From study of the recent histories of insurances the past 200 years or so.

The judgement of God on our presumptuous sins and how it is affecting our economy. God counts every innocent soul that we have murdered and continue to murder (as in abortions and euthenasia), subject our nation taking our nation into the pit. Lloyds of London seemed to be aware of that judgement in the horror of the earthquake.1906 or so... Pay all claims was enacted into place only after the knowledge that we had just come out of war and that we were paying a price that had taken generations to build.
The blessing of insurance is not for the rich to pay into it and reach in and take out of it. But for the ineptitudes of the society to be equalled out through those who have to pay for the infirmity to pay and those who have not to pay to be enabled through this system to take out in the time of need. The structure was obviously set up on human and fallable footing, but with pillars of prayer and righteousness undergirding.

Let us not allow this system to be judged. We are in charge leading the children and bringing them on board to the systems that be, in our generation. We are blessed, in this generation with the most knowledge of scripture and God of any generation and this should seep into the systems to make the scales and the country begin to clean up the messes. Repentance and faith for a nation means owning up to our part in the mess and making things right. The bones and bodies of the unborn and the slaves in the ocean and the children taken advantage of, at sea that poor Horatio was haunted with and wrote about, is not enough just not to do those things anymore. Healing begins when the system is protected out of honor to our parents and that the system is honed and made more useful to God by more really and honorably being used to equal out the inneptitudes. When we do as Cain's children did and say, my father killed one brother and got away with it, I will put the structures in place to magnify and solidify the murders to make them a continuous cycle and when we do that, we are calling judgement down upon our heads like Sodom, like Ninevah, like Jerusalem. God's promise was to not flood the whole earth but to judge the whole earth in pieces, as it were, taking it apart as a mother separates the portions of the head to comb it out. He will be glorified upon the earth and He has told you o man what is good and what the Lord requires of thee...
In the Old Testament, it was the individual coming to an ungodly regime and taking captivity captive, as it were incognito and in bondage. That is what Paul meant when he kept saying the word of God is not in bondage.

The church of the Lord is not in bondage and the power of the Lord is not in bondage and the Spirit of the Lord is not in bondage. Now it is the church's mission to influence culture so pervasively and to take captivity captive in the bastions of our minds and then in the bastions of the thinking and the family, in government and in the schools and the institutions that make our society functional, like insurance. Oppositing the propositions of Cain, so to speak. We are doubling the efforts of our fathers to bring healing and help to "our brothers" and ourselves, under the clear direction of God inspiring our forefathers to create systems which are healing and helpful. God is to be praised that He inspired our forefathers to create the systems of checks and balances under God. Raising the Cainish, serpentine spirit of our selfishness to reflect the fact that we are our brother's keeper, is the mission of insurance. Is there a need, is there a cause, is there a hope that it will be used properly. This should be taught in school and this should be instructed and this is the reason that the lack of the commandments being taught in the schools is so felt in our society, because when there is a need for people to care about what belongs to another and what happens to another, we don't know how to express that properly except by the commandments.

Sources of reasonings--, Letters of Horatio Nelson, Movie Lloyds of London. reasoning from the history of the insurances expressed in the mission statement of Lloyds of London. Sundry other movies and books from 1865-1929---I believe Christ died to save us.

From the Valley of Decision

Evidently, from the perspectives of Valley of Decision, they were blaming the Carnegie methods with the break down of the culture. The commitment of industry to the building of strong families and a strong society was not there. The mom and pops started selling out to the monopolizers. Now, generations later, we are trying to get people to take personal responsibility for their own business. We have exalted the Carnegie method. Dehumanizing business, further and further away from real relationships, so that when we cut, we can look ourselves in the eye and not feel the sense of loss. I like what the writer was illuding to in Valley. The boss realized that there was reason for this disgruntled employee to curse him and he owned it. Understanding that this is a part of the responsibility of wealth. Sometimes being the scapegoat for people's misplaced grief. He did what he could to asuage the pain of this disgruntled and continued, on the other hand pursuing progress. Progress and development is the only way that we can pay the bills to the future generation and the bills of the past generation to care for them during our short stint in leadership of the nation and the world and our families. God will give a good conscience to who will ask Him. We needn't hang our heads, rich or poor. We do what we can and what we must and work for progress: the poor in faith and the rich in industry and job productivity. It is our responsibility one to another to build into the gaps that were not considered in the Carnegie tidal wave season.
We have inherited the claim to pay that we are now so detached from the country and from the production process that we can't find the keys to this car that we are riding in. We must first pray and then accept the responsibility which is ours to be our brothers' keeper and then pursue progress and development.

The earthquake that devastated us and our economy after the Civil War which caused Lloyd's to state Pay All Claims was a warning blast. Be concerned about the truth or be afraid of the consequences. God's mercy is great toward us to guide us when we have lost our way.
We cannot live as though the sky is falling at every CAT. We have to take a hard look at the way of production and progress and pray God that He will restore us, for His glory and for the sake of His people and testimony. God has not brought us this far to kill us in the desert. There is something here for us to do. We have inherited hungry mouths and a hungry country and a hungry world and few minds that can produce the jobs to help people to feed themselves.

As an aside, I saw the open hearth of the steel mills as God's fiery furnace, in this country. God has given us the access in this generation to unprecidented wealth and unprecidented splendor around us. I ask God to come in the productivity of this generation as He came to deliver the Hebrew boys from the fiery furnace. Be present in our productivity, we pray that it would glorify You Lord. God is Sovereign and the only way that we can understand what that means is in the tyrannical people. Nebby was the extreme of this. God is far more sovereign and yet merciful and kind and ...Good! When we see Him exposing His amazing parallel of compassion to us by offsetting a wickedness, by His grace, we are compelled to worship Him aright. The cloud of witnesses bid us to look to Him! Where is He? Commanding and Producing when we are whining and complaining about the fact that we have inherited a debt that we haven't the ability to repay. We mustn't pull the plug, although we are tired of the fight and the blame. Own the responsibility and ask God for the grace to stand and having done all to stand...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

from April, Meditations of Hebrews in a state of grief.

Dear old Pastor Ryle used to emulate this sentiment. The let us of the book of Hebrews. "Let us therefore fear..."
Often saying let us as the exhortation to greater conformity.

I think...
Hebrews 4

Let us therefore fear!means...

Lest we miss out on a promise of God that is essential for salvation. He didn't say. Let us rest in the laurels of salvations completion on our behalf, on account of the grace which is magnificent in Christ. Which is true. He has completed that great salvation. But we will not overcome the "minions of hell" by our testimony alone, or by letting go and allowing Christ to drift us in. He stated that it is by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies. Constant undertaking to consider our souls and see where our salvation and trust lies. We might have salvation and not have a sense of its confirmation in our souls, or we might think that we have achieved or received salvation by grace through faith and be deceived because our deeds are in complete antithesis to this. God is the judge. If the righteous be scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear. We are of our father the devil, if we do not stop deceiving ourselves and live the life of faith. Entering into His rest is the goal. The rest of sins forgiven by the blood of Christ. This consideration is agonizing, at best.
The considerations of the New Testament era are the song of a soul set free. The struggle is from using the scriptures as a shackle to antagonize and dictate and take men captive to our own whims and imagination to free them into the usefulness which God intended. All of the nations being useful in the Global spiritual economy. Seeing the image of God growing into a perfect man through the providence of God.
I had the gospel first, we say and therefore God meant for me to impose my cultural mores on the rest of the world through intimidation. I have been there as an oldest sister. I came down the shoot first and that means that I am the standard. That mentality is condemned. Let the man of high estate humble himself. Jesus gave us the example of the how. Jesus taught us what we are supposed to be doing. Not making new laws like circumcision by which we judge our brother cultures conformity to Christ. We each want to cut the other culture down to where we are with regards to our relationship with God.
The Church's one foundation, is Jesus. In the book of Revelation there were every tribe and tongue and nation conforming and worshipping the Lord and they were discernably different from one another. How could they be one and different? We cannot imagine this because essentially we are Afrocentric or Eurocentric and believe that God is going to make everyone come to the unity of the culture that we are in and not to the unity of the Faith. If we all come to the unity of the culture of Europe or Asia or Africa, we are not coming to the unity of Christ. We will all cast our crowns before Him. We will all submit what has been made to glorify Him and in His image under His own dominion and we will also all share in the judgements upon the earth for sin, prior to entering into His rest.
We have all been made in the image of God and impressed with the image of Nebuchadnezzar. When we are emptying ourselves and doing the humble work we are imitating God and when we are tyranically expecting cultural submission we are Nebby.

God will be entreated on our behalf. I bring my tyranny before You, my God. I cast all of my insubordination and my heart pride before You. To us belongs the pride of life and the lusts of the flesh and the lust of the eye and to You belongs the humility and the mercy and the order.

Christ's church is raptured by His image and impressing His image upon themselves and making His image the goal and the consideration. Not the image of self and self's culture. This is complicated, in our New Testament time. Hitler showed us what it looks like to try to stamp your own image on the world. It would have anhialated Christ Himself from the world, if that could have been done. Now we anhialate the babies in the womb and in our selfishness and self centered activity we take authority over the image of God the Father and seek to anhialate Him from our world. Feminizing and talking about the rights of choice when it is the rights to murder. God help us cleanse ourselves from our Nebuchadnezzaran murderous spirit.

God stated If they should enter into my rest. If means if. If we don't enter it will be because of unbelief. It will be because of the exaltation of self and self rule. If we don't attempt to see the glory of God in the different people groups around us, we will be as guilty as Nebby of using the godly Daniel to forward our own agenda to the people of God. 4/2/2009

Heb 4:10-16

Hebrews 4,
If it is Jesus, who is Priest and the Word of God which is His scalpel, as it were, the OT Jewish mind would automatically know what the letter to the Hebrews was about. The sacrifice of developing a holy life on behalf of the Lord that we might become His precious posession upon the earth. He sacrificed that He would cleanse and set apart a people for the praise of His glory. The moos and baas of the sacrifices in the temple would be in their ears and they would know that this was the cutting away of the sins in their lives. This is not as clear in our NT mentality. Our blots and blemishes do not disqualify us from grace unless we are holding onto them with both hands and not letting them go to the scalpel of the Word of God upon our lives. Let us be those sacrifices and run as we have seen the sacrifices do to the altar of sacrifice that our Lord Jesus may put His holy hand on us and use us as He pleases. They would see it that way. We are so many generations away from the animal sacrifices that there is not a clear word picture for us. Christ has made us, as Gentiles free to be clean and Holy, who had no rights to enter in, Amazing enough, true. But for the Jews they were the unblotted people and God had a word to draw them to what following Jesus meant. It meant no more rote sacrifices. It is in your heart or you are not His. Even the spotted and the speckled are accepted in the beloved. God sees those hearts of unbelief, that have taken His mercy as license to sin. Help us Lord. God sees those hearts of unbelief that have placed our sacrifice on the altar for merit and people pleasing. There will be no acceptance of such in the kingdom of God.
Jesus said the Kingdom of God is among you. He is it. He has purchased a people for His own posession. He has sympathy for the wicked heart of unbelief which mocks at the necessity to come time and time again with the same infirmity. Is there any relief for the process of repentance and faith. Only the healing of eternity will free us from the struggle with ourselves in our sins. And daily, in the NT mindset the temptation is to despise the regularness and repetitive nature of repentance and cleasing and healing for sins. They both come out to about the same thing, but the OT mindset is about what you are bringing and the NT mindset is about what you are being. Am I really repentant, if I have not yet found relief from this persistent stumbling? That is the answer of verse 15. We have a sympathetic High Priest, who is using the Word of God to cleanse and mark out a people peculiar in that they want to obey Him. They want to show love to Him by and through obedience. They want to bring the sacrifice of praise unto God. They want to believe Him for the salvation of the lost and for His will to be done upon the earth.
Let us come boldly to the throne of grace.
God grant that mercy and grace for healing and hope and cleansing and forgiveness of mind and heart and conscience. We may feel like these anxious thoughts and fretful circumstances are so redundant that they are beneath a risen and merciful Lord. We are bid to come with them. We are bid to carry all of the infirmities to Him. My burdens are heavy but the burden of the repetitive nature of repentance and daily faith is the largest. Let us take courage that we are not alone. All of our brethren in the world are also struggling with something. God makes it thus for us. We are to shine as lights because the Lord is manning the lightstand. The Lord is stoking the flame of our hearts. He will not put out, or stomp out the smoking flax. The lost person cannot see the way to go, that is a fearful state on earth to be in. The holy man and woman stand as lights for the Lord to show that God can make us new creations and use us in this world for His glory. Set our feet upon Your true path Lord as lights through your cleansing and healing in and through Your Word.
I confess my need for the cleansing and healing of Your Word.
I need that mercy and grace to help, Lord. Help me to see myself running to the throne like the simple sheep or ox of sacrifice to the hands of my High Priest whose scalpel, though it cuts is for healing and help and relief. Help me not to think myself so pure that I need no repentance, which was implied. I am Your sheep, O Lord prepare Your sacrifice upon the earth for Your glory.

Heb 4

Because, even Moses did not enter into the city because of the expressions of anger that he allowed to be expressed upon the rock of provision that God had sent them. The writer of the Hebrews warns and warns, God is clear from the Old Testament that there will be a new day coming which the sins that in OT times were at the cost of the bulls and goats and other creatures, the Jews were not to put their trust in these fleshly sacrifices. The rest for the people of God had come in Christ. Be careful that you do not miss the reality that the redeemer has come and sacrificed the very last time for sins. If your sins are not in Christ, you are smiting the true Rock of Provision for our eternal sustenance. Jesus said it to the woman at the well. She got it too. I am the water that, if you drink it and (if your people drink it) They will never have to offer the sacrifices for sins again. I think Mary got it before the crucifixion and washed his feet with her hair. Will I be able to place, even my sins upon my Saviour and know that attonement has been made and propitiation for the sins of my soul. I think that is why Jesus was particular to make spectacle almost of the vilest of sinners, being in his own acquaintance with Himself. Because, as religious people, we would be tempted to think that such sinners were beyond the reach of the precious blood of Jesus. The writer to the Hebrews reasons, Joshua and Caleb and none of the other generation entered into the rest in the promise land. Let us not be trusting even in the faith of Moses. Let us reach on and trust the true Messiah, who has shown by His obedience unto death that He is the last and only sacrifice for sins. Yesterday was the day of animal sacrifice, but today, if you will hear His voice don't harden your heart.

He seems to equat this rest from works as the rest from the works after the creation with God. God is showing us that there was a time where we worked to carry our sacrifices and have them cut, but now the Word of God is sharper than the two edged sword and our souls are on the altar of God's throne room and He divides the thoughts and intents of the heart. We all know that there were times when we presumptuously sinned as humans and carried sacrifices to God thinking that we could cover our sins with these. God's scalpel is far more knowing and seeing than the scalpel of the priest helping us bring our sins payment to God. Let us therefore, he reasons be diligent to enter and not to try to cover our multitude of sins in masks of pretense before God. No creature is hidden from His sight. We couldn't get away with presumption in the OT and we certainly will not have any covering to pretend under in the rest for the people of God, in Christ. Our souls are laid bare in the throneroom of the living God. Our souls are the new living sacrifice and God with the scalpel of the Word is reconning us His or not His and our labors true or invalid based on the reality of our hearts and not the purity of the looks of the dove or lamb that we are able to bring before Him. Don't miss the rest from animal sacrifice for the people of God. Don't let the Gentiles alone enter into the rest from animal sacrifices as an atonement for sins. Righteousness is the standard and Christ is the sacrifice. The sins that He will not bear before the Father will not be atoned for and the wicked heart of unbelief is that sin the keeps us outside of the grace and the throne room of the Most High.

Perceptions of Christ, enhanced or hampered. Therefore since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.

How can we hear without a preacher? We cannot know what God is doing and what He intends for us, if we are not building faith upon faith, from generation to generation. If we are not reading the heart of God in His Word and seeing the outworkings of God through providence, we are missing a preciousness of the rest in Christ that God has intended for us. The gospel, profits us in our souls or it does not. We are either growing more and more to love Him everyday and seeing Him great and ourselves less, or we are running away from His rest. Have we come short of it in our experiences. Let us mix the Word of God with faith.

Heb 3

Lest we drift away. God's word is a stablizing factor? God's word is a strength against the winds and the waves of disobedience and pride and anxieties and transgression that were the soul infirmity for generations. We have a more sure word of prophecy. We have a more sure commitment of God for our salvation and deliverance from sin. We have a more clear and lucid expression of the heart of God than, even the angels did before their fall. They see His face and they do not touch His heart. We have His heart expressed to us in the Word and we are blessed to have it. Sinning against the express heart of God, without an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous would have eternal consequences. We have eternal promises of God's commitment to our lives and continuance in faith. God bore witness on the earth to His heart having been expressed by signs and wonders.
Not only do we have the heart of God in His Word, we have elders of many generations who have agreed upon its translation so that in the languages that we read there are many expressions that come to same conclusions, even on the most obscure passages. We cannot neglect His expression of His heart of mercy and grace. It is poured out upon us in such abundance there is nothing to do but bask in His salvation.
The writer to the Hebrews was pleading with the Jews not to miss the mercy of God expressed in Jesus. There will come no other salvation. Don't miss the expression of God in the Lord Jesus. God loved us enough to commit the ultimate sacrifices on our behalf and the people who already had His expressions of love were shadowed from seeing it by the shadows of God's goodness upon them for generations. Isn't that just like us. When we have the mercy of God we become complacent and miss the fresh promises of fulfillment and grace and truth that God has wrapped in a package everyday. Halleluia, that there is mercy and grace for today. Help me Lord not to miss it for the love of yesterday's mercies.

Heb 2

The writer to Hebrews reminds us in these passages that even the Psalmist in Psalm 8 told us that we are set over the works of His hands. He has bought the price of our souls that we might have dominion over the earth that He had initially given to us.
Babyl saw to the fact that it would not be just one culture that wins the prize of preeminence over the earth. God has cut the languages in such a way that no one culture has all of the truth that will allow preeminence and knowledge on the earth. When we build those partitionary walls around the knowledge that we are blessed with we are binding our own feet with the shackles of Hell. The people at Babyl were headed to the skies. When we divide we are digging holes. God tasted death for everyone and hell for everyone.
Yes we do see Jesus. Hebrews 2.8

The inference from Hebrews is that if we are not taking heed to the things that God has revealed in the Scripture about Christ, we are slipping. If Christ is not the Lord of all of the earth as we are looking at Him in the scriptures then we are falling and fallen. He was talking to the Hebrews and it is not clear how much of that promise of slipping is only for those whose hope was in Abraham and their lineage in time past. We had no hope before Christ. It is necessary to make that distinction in the book of Hebrews because, to whom much is given much is required.

Again the writer to the Hebrews gives us ammunition against flesh faith. Faith in our circumstances or lineage. Jesus is the firstborn the Brother and Savior and King and Priest. He is not ashamed to be called a Jew. Says the writer to the Hebrews. He didn't come to save the devils and take them out of their damnation. He came to save the sons of Abraham. Salvation is certainly for the Jew and to the Jew first. But, we were in His mind that He saved to the utmost and is saving to the utmost, all who come to God through Him.

Lest we drift away. God's word is a stablizing factor? God's word is a strength against the winds and the waves of disobedience and pride and anxieties and transgression that were the soul infirmity for generations. We have a more sure word of prophecy. We have a more sure commitment of God for our salvation and deliverance from sin. We have a more clear and lucid expression of the heart of God than, even the angels did before their fall. They see His face and they do not touch His heart. We have His heart expressed to us in the Word and we are blessed to have it. Sinning against the express heart of God, without an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous would have eternal consequences. We have eternal promises of God's commitment to our lives and continuance in faith. God bore witness on the earth to His heart having been expressed by signs and wonders.
Not only do we have the heart of God in His Word, we have elders of many generations who have agreed upon its translation so that in the languages that we read there are many expressions that come to same conclusions, even on the most obscure passages. We cannot neglect His expression of His heart of mercy and grace. It is poured out upon us in such abundance there is nothing to do but bask in His salvation.
The writer to the Hebrews was pleading with the Jews not to miss the mercy of God expressed in Jesus. There will come no other salvation. Don't miss the expression of God in the Lord Jesus. God loved us enough to commit the ultimate sacrifices on our behalf and the people who already had His expressions of love were shadowed from seeing it by the shadows of God's goodness upon them for generations. Isn't that just like us. When we have the mercy of God we become complacent and miss the fresh promises of fulfillment and grace and truth that God has wrapped in a package everyday. Halleluia, that there is mercy and grace for today. Help me Lord not to miss it for the love of yesterday's mercies.

Heb 1

Because Jesus is the author and the finisher and through Him and unto Him are all things. If wisdom sat at His feet in the creation and all of the sciences and histories were created by Him we should pay attention, both to the truth of God and to the picture that He is painting in history; mostly in and through His word,
then being careful to document the histories of the things that are, precisely and carefully, for those whose steps must follow ours. We are putting the marks on the ground, as it were, for the children to follow to where God is taking us. We will never find what it is He wants for us, if we keep tripping up the next generations dividing the histories and the maths and the languages. Dumbing down the senses. What we do to others, God will do to us. If we leave confounding evidence behind us as scientists and historians, God will allow us to be deceived by our own nonsense. Where we are in many areas of life now, is that we are so deceived by our own PR that we think that we can live holy before the Lord without the scriptures. To Him and for Him is the glory, we need to give the more earnest heed to the things that God has allowed to be documented in Scripture, lest we drift away. Giving heed to the scriptural accounts is paying attention to the commandments for prayer and confession. Reading them and teaching the scriptures to our children, lest we drift away.
We have seen it in every denomination, throughout the history of Christendom. No heed to the scriptures, prioritizing the words of man; God gives them all over to their own imaginations and like the Samaritans. What a shame if Jesus says to us, You worship you know not what, when we have such an abundance of testimony of the revelation of God and the scriptures and commentaries, etc.
The Father seeks such to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. We cannot pour upon our God words of adoration, if we are not recounting what He has done through the Old and New Testaments. Give us grace to take heed to Your Word. Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1

God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;

There is no revelation in these last days that is outside of the precious Son of God. Who is the inheriter of all things and through whom God made the worlds. From Him and to Him all things are and are going. Jesus is what the stories were all about and the author of them. When we look at the reality of the scripture through any eye but the eye of faith in Jesus there is no sense in it. When we heap knowledge upon ourselves and it is without the knowledge of Christ, it is dissolved into nothing.
The Hebrews were probably tempted to say what happens to Abraham, in Christ and what happens to Moses in Christ and the prophets? The writer to the Hebrews says, I will tell you what happens to them. I am starting with Jesus relationship to God and the heavens and the angels.
He is God. The heavens will perish, the earth will dissintegrate or do whatever God intends for it to do. The angels will bow before Him and worship Him. The writer of Hebrews is laying out the relationship of Jesus. It is impossible to perceive this relationship of Jesus to the rest of the spiritual creation as the Lord of Glory without God having enlightened your mind of this. Holy Spirit come afresh and renew and refresh the hearts and minds of Your People to have God in our knowledge.