Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Heb 1

Because Jesus is the author and the finisher and through Him and unto Him are all things. If wisdom sat at His feet in the creation and all of the sciences and histories were created by Him we should pay attention, both to the truth of God and to the picture that He is painting in history; mostly in and through His word,
then being careful to document the histories of the things that are, precisely and carefully, for those whose steps must follow ours. We are putting the marks on the ground, as it were, for the children to follow to where God is taking us. We will never find what it is He wants for us, if we keep tripping up the next generations dividing the histories and the maths and the languages. Dumbing down the senses. What we do to others, God will do to us. If we leave confounding evidence behind us as scientists and historians, God will allow us to be deceived by our own nonsense. Where we are in many areas of life now, is that we are so deceived by our own PR that we think that we can live holy before the Lord without the scriptures. To Him and for Him is the glory, we need to give the more earnest heed to the things that God has allowed to be documented in Scripture, lest we drift away. Giving heed to the scriptural accounts is paying attention to the commandments for prayer and confession. Reading them and teaching the scriptures to our children, lest we drift away.
We have seen it in every denomination, throughout the history of Christendom. No heed to the scriptures, prioritizing the words of man; God gives them all over to their own imaginations and like the Samaritans. What a shame if Jesus says to us, You worship you know not what, when we have such an abundance of testimony of the revelation of God and the scriptures and commentaries, etc.
The Father seeks such to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. We cannot pour upon our God words of adoration, if we are not recounting what He has done through the Old and New Testaments. Give us grace to take heed to Your Word. Hebrews 1

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