Sunday, November 14, 2021

Starting letters to Melzar. Form September 24, 2021




I awoke and after prayer time.  There was devastating news in the Eunacy.  My dear old man was gone.  He had breathed his last and had been found that morning.  


I had no idea that it would hit me as hard as it did.  I went to the elder facility not fully cleansed or prepped for the day.  I had to catch the body before the embalmers.  I ran and ran and was out of breath when I got there.  They were wheeling the body and I caught them and fell, quite unconsciously over him in a grief that I hadn’t felt since we left Jerusalem some 30 years ago.


We had been like father and son all of these years and his debilitation was a blessing to me for it gave me reason to visit and talk to him semi regularly.  They were going to cremate him immediately as was his custom and religious perspective.  


I composed myself, before the other elders could see my debasement.  The ceiling and the floor seemed to close into me as I imagined the life that I would live without his sage advise to guide me through this vale of tears.  



Babylon had been home but treacherous for me these many years and Melzar has been a comfort to us.  I hope that we didn’t make his life miserable.  We did try to accommodate him and not cost him too much trouble for his superiors.  We had to ask him many questions and we were shut up to obey God in many matters.  It was Melzar who had to clear our convictions with the higher authorities.  We are grateful that he understood our dilemma.  We grew to be attached to him as sons and he grew to look out for us as there were many competing interests in Shushan that we became aware of through his kind and fatherly attentions.


I caught that last glimpse of his body and ran back to my room to continue my ordinary preparations for the day.  I told my scribe to make notes that letters must be sent to the friends to advise them of our great loss.  They were now presidents in other districts and would want to know of this tremendous loss to us.  


There wasn’t a time that they came to Shushan that we didn’t all trudge up to Melzars room and reminisce of the fears and trials that were our common past. How would we be able to do that now?  There is no safe place to air our convictions and concerns these days.  There is no other person in Shushan of the faculty or students who can bear the reality of how differing our views are from the views of the state.


I haven’t time to indulge myself in the sentimentalities that I believe the day deserves.  I gave specific instructions to my scribe to collect all of Melzars final belongings and bring them to me by the end of the day.  


I went off to my many meetings and classes to teach.  I had lesson plans made up that I could instruct by, because my mind was a blur with reminiscenses.  I went about my day with barely a foot stepping wrong.  Any sentimentality is frowned upon by the elders and there would be consequences for any unaccounted for relationships with people of other stations.  I am amazed that they continued to allow the relationship between myself and my compatriots; but we are part of a study to see if they can infiltrate our race with the Babylonian mythologies…. I am aware of their desire to see our faith defiled by the mystical and Thank God He is determined to protect our faith and we have seen that in spite of their constant attacks on our religious perspectives God has faithfully allowed us freedom to pray and to gather when we can and to worship in our singular God apart from the fray of spiritual sensoriousness that exists here.


I walked with intent from the instructional buildings to the governing buildings and then to the aviary.   We are encountering some problem with the care of the cranes that needed to be addressed.  And the dog training program was next on the schedule for the day.  I left the cranes and solved that problem with the scientists at the aviary and my scribe came to me sometime in the midafternoon before I was about to go into the dog shelter.


He was in tears.  There was so much that I wanted to get, he said out of breath.  Melzar had small statues of each of you and your friends, but his religion says that they must be burned with his body and I hadn’t gotten there before they were all burnt.  All that was left was this box with your name on it.



The box was burgundy and had my name engraved in gold on the top of it.  His religion allows a single beneficiary and I had been the one he had chosen.  What a privilege that with all of the students that Melzar had the responsibility to handle I was his beneficiary.  I instructed my scribe to take the box back to the house and I would look at it when I completed my rounds.


The sun was shining and very brightly and it was warm on my face as I sauntered in a leisurely way from building to building over the campus.  


The campus felt hollow, somehow without that  soaring presence who was the first  comfort for the brothers and myself.  How could he have left us?  I was comforted by the eternal presence and knowing that there is no great gift that wasn’t given by my dearest friend the God of the universe.  


I am still confused as to whether or not it was his lot to enter into faith.  All that I can say is that God almighty sent him to us and that I am assured that his heart and life were a gift to us and convinces me that God’s heart is broader and wider than I once thought. 


I walked across the courtyard and imagine the past where he guided us from place to place.  His hand, so black from the sun and his steps so solid and sure,  I could not be afraid when he was with us.  We walked together and he seemed to know all that there was to know about each of these buildings and all of the elders around us.  He taught us the ceremonial rules and clothing requirements.  He guided us not to put a foot wrong in the presence of “he who lives forever”.


Oh king, why are the restrictions thus, I often wonder.  One wrong foot can get you taken from the earth.  It wasn’t by accident that Melzar had lasted so long in the presence.  He knew the kingdom and what kept ones head on ones shoulders.  In the beginning I ran every request past him.   He helped me with phraseology, corrected offensive speech patterns and guided me into the position that I am in now.


He said the kingdom needs you Daniel.  Peace and safety is deep in your heart, he said to me one day.  This man needs a counselor with this in his heart.


We have had many a bloodbath because of someone with malice in his heart.  You are not like that and it would be my pleasure to see you “in the presence” with us.  He was determined and I am not sure I really wanted this as much as he did.































The sun was shining and very brightly and it was warm on my face as I sauntered in a leisurely way from building to building over the campus.  


The campus felt hollow, somehow without that  soaring presence who was the first  comfort for the brothers and myself.  How could he have left us? I wonder...

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Am I trusting in God's Shield or my own?

 Psalm 33:18  

Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;

In what ways do we hope in our own devices, and block the Lord’s eye from being upon us.  Is our shield the Lord or are we trusting in our own devices for our protection and our eternal stability.

I really believe that the Lord allows instability into our lives to shake our trusts from our own devices.  Are we trusting in the means of Grace or the Grace giver?  that is the question for my soul this morning.

Some false hopes and distractions from the trust in the Lord’s mercy:

self goodness

past successes

exposure to godly

mental accumen

emotional stability


Saturday, March 13, 2021

For the Love of Pete! What is Daycare?

 what is a joyful mother of children?

Are we Glitching?

I am so sorry for the deterioration of our daycare from the times when we all received long and pondered observations from Ms. Peggy about the condition of the hearts of our children.  This is not a lamentation about the loss of a slave master who would give us interjections which have no application to the life in the fields.  I realize that it sounds thus.

Our education and our computerized streamlining isn’t giving us the time to guide our children in their characters and in their thought processes and this is being reflected in their outcomes.

Stuttering and lack of speech is a fear response. what the children eat and how much is relevant, but how they think and what they perceive and love is more telling.

He almost said the B word.  I don’t think this is an accident I think it an editorial.  what are we showing him.  The power of long and angry rants against children is the topic of our instruction all too often.  Ought not to be.  Lord Help!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Am I among the

New Believers and Seasoned Saints?

What a beautiful thing to see a newborn baby.  Life is new the soul looks fresh and new.

When I see depictions of Billy Graham, I see newborn souls and the opportunity to refresh, as it were the soul.  But that is just the beginning of the life.  Many have confessed Christ and not found a place to root his or her soul.   Is this sad?  Truly it is.  Denominations have found a way to knit families of souls together and cause them to grow in the admonition of the Lord.

When we enter into the great awakenings that God allows in our generations we embrace the goodness of God to renew us.  To cleanse us from our filthiness and to refresh us with the flood of mercy instead of  righteously judging us according to our sins, as they deserve.  We deserve the flood in every generation and yet, in every generation there are those who would codify our sins in legislation.   Justify the murder and wantonness that caused the flood of Noah.

We are tempting God to think that He won’t send the flood of fire, because there is a praying church among us.   Let the church be the church and pick up the pieces.  we have allowed them to continue so that we needn’t worry about our retribution as deserved.

There is personal responsibility for those who continue in legislating the murder of infants.  We are just as culpable as Hitler.   We think we will lasso all efforts and all laws to include the ignorant believers and knowledgable wanton into the same fate.  God is not ignorant. 

We are as the devil who would lift up and insurrection against the creator to his own peril.

They use words such as forgiveness to pigeonhole the duty of the church in such matters.  That word is inappropriate at best.   We are not the ones forgiving or not.

In this season of churchlessness of the liberals.  God is sifting.

The seasoned saint is quiet and watching for Jesus as for the morning.  This is the time that God sends judgment or deliverance.  We pray for deliverance, but we fear it is time for judgment.  

We can’t vaccinate against God’s eternal judgment.   Trust the Science and be swept into the can of the eternal fire of that fate!

Monday, February 8, 2021

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Turn your eyes

 Escaping the tyranny of sin

The carrot of delight that Satan holds over my eyes is cut at the cross.  Still, sometimes, like a dog returning to the bones it has hidden, my eyes turn from the cross and seek the dangling carrot of my own ways.

How can I seek a carrot that has taunted and torn me so?  It is ridiculous, but so true.  

Jesus breaks the bondage and Jesus heals the wounds, but God help me for returning to the graves of my sins with longing, when all of my needs are met in Christ.

Christ is all and He can heal the wounds and struggles completely.  

I trust Him to help my hobbling soul to lean on Him and stop running after my own way.

Keep my heart and mind occupied with the searching for life in the scriptures and not to return to seeking the body of this death.   soul life and physical life is in Jesus.

Proverbs 2:19 None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life. Proverbs 2:20 That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Seeking seasons of life. Song of Solomon 4:6


Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.

Psalm 141:1 LORD, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. Psalm 141:2 Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141:3 Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Psalm 141:4 Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties. Psalm 141:5 Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities. Psalm 141:6 When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet. Psalm 141:7 Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. Psalm 141:8 But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. Psalm 141:9 Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Psalm 141:10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.
Is He with the company asked Mary and Joseph?  They were insensible of the loss of their son.  Are we sensible of His presence?   do we know Him well enough to know that He is grieved with us or pleased with our behavior.

Developing a relationship with God to know if He is directing us in our speaking and in our relationships.  Seeking Him for direction about the difficult questions of our seasons of life.  Is this a situation to bring the rod or the coddle?  Sometimes only Jesus knows.  Jesus asked that father a telling question.   How long has this infirmity been on the son?  Meaning that he was not a little fellow.   Do you know how long your own infirmity has been upon you?  The one that you seek deliverance from?  Do you know if Jesus is able to deliver you?  

He is faithful and just.  He seeks the intimacy that leans upon Him and gets to His shadow for comfort and grace in the fallings.  

Are you there Lord?   Do you see my flailings?  Would you deliver me, reprove me, cleanse me, heal me?  Please Help so that I can be of use to your kingdom.  This is the deliverance that we seek. 

How my hear wishes to see Your power deliver me from the body of this infirmity.