Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From study of the recent histories of insurances the past 200 years or so.

The judgement of God on our presumptuous sins and how it is affecting our economy. God counts every innocent soul that we have murdered and continue to murder (as in abortions and euthenasia), subject our nation taking our nation into the pit. Lloyds of London seemed to be aware of that judgement in the horror of the earthquake.1906 or so... Pay all claims was enacted into place only after the knowledge that we had just come out of war and that we were paying a price that had taken generations to build.
The blessing of insurance is not for the rich to pay into it and reach in and take out of it. But for the ineptitudes of the society to be equalled out through those who have to pay for the infirmity to pay and those who have not to pay to be enabled through this system to take out in the time of need. The structure was obviously set up on human and fallable footing, but with pillars of prayer and righteousness undergirding.

Let us not allow this system to be judged. We are in charge leading the children and bringing them on board to the systems that be, in our generation. We are blessed, in this generation with the most knowledge of scripture and God of any generation and this should seep into the systems to make the scales and the country begin to clean up the messes. Repentance and faith for a nation means owning up to our part in the mess and making things right. The bones and bodies of the unborn and the slaves in the ocean and the children taken advantage of, at sea that poor Horatio was haunted with and wrote about, is not enough just not to do those things anymore. Healing begins when the system is protected out of honor to our parents and that the system is honed and made more useful to God by more really and honorably being used to equal out the inneptitudes. When we do as Cain's children did and say, my father killed one brother and got away with it, I will put the structures in place to magnify and solidify the murders to make them a continuous cycle and when we do that, we are calling judgement down upon our heads like Sodom, like Ninevah, like Jerusalem. God's promise was to not flood the whole earth but to judge the whole earth in pieces, as it were, taking it apart as a mother separates the portions of the head to comb it out. He will be glorified upon the earth and He has told you o man what is good and what the Lord requires of thee...
In the Old Testament, it was the individual coming to an ungodly regime and taking captivity captive, as it were incognito and in bondage. That is what Paul meant when he kept saying the word of God is not in bondage.

The church of the Lord is not in bondage and the power of the Lord is not in bondage and the Spirit of the Lord is not in bondage. Now it is the church's mission to influence culture so pervasively and to take captivity captive in the bastions of our minds and then in the bastions of the thinking and the family, in government and in the schools and the institutions that make our society functional, like insurance. Oppositing the propositions of Cain, so to speak. We are doubling the efforts of our fathers to bring healing and help to "our brothers" and ourselves, under the clear direction of God inspiring our forefathers to create systems which are healing and helpful. God is to be praised that He inspired our forefathers to create the systems of checks and balances under God. Raising the Cainish, serpentine spirit of our selfishness to reflect the fact that we are our brother's keeper, is the mission of insurance. Is there a need, is there a cause, is there a hope that it will be used properly. This should be taught in school and this should be instructed and this is the reason that the lack of the commandments being taught in the schools is so felt in our society, because when there is a need for people to care about what belongs to another and what happens to another, we don't know how to express that properly except by the commandments.

Sources of reasonings--, Letters of Horatio Nelson, Movie Lloyds of London. reasoning from the history of the insurances expressed in the mission statement of Lloyds of London. Sundry other movies and books from 1865-1929---I believe Christ died to save us.

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