Where is your treasure? Perhaps it is that leanness of quantity in this or that area can drive us to God or away? It is not automatic that the soul attributes leanness to the good providence of a loving father. It is instructed in the mind, it is expected of the believer, truly…”Thou hast taught me to say… It is well with my soul” but is it? Wellness of soul in leanness of circumstance is not a verbal ascent. It is a confirmation of the Holy Spirit to give that blessed assurance and it is prayed and sought for, not talked about and demanded as a resource. Let us not follow the masses who claim assurances that have never been tarried for or asked of the Father. Let us not lie to oneanother and say we are well when we need prayer and help and grace to help in the time of need. The battle is not a lone fight but a corporate one. It is me, o Lord, standing in the need this morning. Blessed Assurance, notwithstanding. Halleluia and a sacrifice of praise, but in need nonetheless. I trust my Jesus to fulfill His every promise. In Jesus Name, Amen
sorting out my meditations of the scriptures and fellowship, applying it to my own soul.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I Need Thee Every Hour.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.
I move to a little city and my remembrance and love of the "greatest city in the world" hangs onto my soul like a sore. I am missing home, for sure. I am proud of my roots, maybe. God has a way of turning even this canker to His own glory.
I heard it in the Tabernacle this morning. The testimony that where sin abounds grace also much more abounds. Like the towering testimony of mans ingenuity and the beautiful weaving of symphonies to delight the ear, God has not left us New Yorkers without a testimony of grace abounding. He seems to say, if you must boast, which seems inevitable, coming from the greatest city; boast of the light of the city of your heart, Jesus.
Boast with as much vigor that Christ has delivered and is continuing to deliver you from sin and shame and maybe the pride of place and circumstance may be sloughed off in the delighting in the true "Light of the World" having come to you. It is truly a spiritual precarious position to be in, but our Lord has grace abounding. Halleluia, what a Savior.Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Help my tongue today, dear Lord.
2Peter 2; For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. .../But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
The power of words to exalt the pride is clearly evident, in experience and in this passage. I see Peter taking this dangerous dog to task in his observations, by the power of the spirit, giving us, who deal in words ammunition to slay the dragon of beastiality that words enflame in our hearts. Beware, he bellows. The greater the words that you engage in using the more puffed the heart usually becomes. Look at the angels who sinned. Look at the puffed up judged people groups.
Peter, we are tempted to say. Are you not jealous of the giftedness of the wordologists that have fluidity to put into words their observations. I think Peter was talking to himself. Christ gave him all of the education that he received and yet his power of speech that kept increasing kept him aware of his remaining depravity. I think that is often why the prophets were talking about the corruptness of their tongues first and foremost. My tongue blesses God and curses circumstances and situations far too swiftly for my comfort. Oh that my tongue could be tamed before the beastiality of my heart could be observed by others…
If it is not cleansed by Jesus, and on constant watch on both ends the puffing up and the deplorable degradation, judgment is ensuing. Help Lord with my tongue today, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
"The Happiest Day of my life" rings the words from the mouth of the twins in Life with Father...
Friday, July 12, 2013
Only Jesus paid it all for the sins of those who come to God, through Him.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Why do we praise God in suffering?
Monday, July 8, 2013
Lord of the flies, vs. Lord Sabaoth? God is greater, than any problem I have.
“ All one body, we. One in faith and doctrine, one in charity…”
God warns us for our own good, about the day of prosperity. Know why you’re given the day of prosperity that you are given. Know that God is weighing the usefulness and the circumspec t way that you are using your resources. Are you wanton? Are you concerned about the wastefulness of the day in which you live? Are you thrifty and looking for where better use can be made of your riches?
This passage, almost above all other passages makes me think of why RL Stevenson wrote Kidnapped. He said, as it were, “I have been in complete need and predisposed to a wasteful uncle and I have seen poverty sit, on the bay waiting for the benevolent hand of the rich person to share and make use of his riches and he sat inside afraid to interact and afraid to create an economy of life-giving for his world and curses came upon him of great proportion, pray his soul was spared, in eternity. But what good uncle could have done?”paraphrase is mine, of course.
God promises in James to make those curses come to fruition when a person of means hides his wealth in the attic. I could see the dance of the dry bones at the bottom of the fall from the stairs, which signifies the power that wealth has to {even, as it were} breathe life into the dry bones of spiritual death. He didn't fall into the valley of dry bones, but imagined that if he had fallen into the valley of dry bones, God would have breathed upon him. It was an allegory. The power of wealth can be used to pick us up, as a culture or judge us. The last days that James is speaking of, seems to be the day when there is Christian wealth makers and givers. Seems a fearful thing, but could it be that a Christian could be rich? James doesn't seem to say this. God can redeem that day.
When the principles of Christianity and wealth come together and RL Stevenson who has seen the woman cursing on the other side of the moat of need holds the reigns of society and not the foolish uncle, what would he do? This to me is the picture of Clarence Day Sr. They showed, he hired people to do everything for him. One servant cleaned the stairs and one servant opened the door for people and one servant cared for the cooking, etc. Down to even his spiritual life, it even seemed that his soul was bartered out to his wife, as it were. He seemed to say, my soul’s business is my wife’s affairs. She is hired to get me to heaven. An amazing thought that culture had been so affected by Stevenson that a seeming rank sinner, raised with no real fear of God would have been so touched by common grace to think in such a way.
I certainly seems to show that you are what you eat. God will judge us by what we feed our children. If we feed them Lord of the Flies, God will become the Lord of the Flies to us. If we feed them Kidnapped, the sinners will become David Balfour. We judge ourselves on this manner. What calls the wrath of God upon our culture, James tells us in James 5. The world is not much different from Elijah’s day, is it? James says. God will be entreated for the earth, as he was with Noah and Elijah prayed for his nation and God was well entreated. How much the more, when the reigns of society are given to the godly, or godfearing man, what a force for good that can be in the world; imagine. Thank God, He has given us all things for life and godliness and even resources to teach us to flee our own wastefulness. Amen.
Kidnapped, online resource I am afraid, Lord. Your Word has found me out. How do I know you will have mercy upon me? Christ alone has paid it all. Is my trust in Him? Cursed is the arm of flesh. If my trust is in my own works, they will fail me. If my trust is in another they will forget me. If my trust is in Christ, He will own me for the sake of His glory. I have nothing to merit salvation on my own merit. I have forsaken my own way. I must repent and forsake the sins of my past and flee to Christ daily and solely for salvation or my trust is futile. I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms!...Embrace me with Your Grace and Mercy, Dear Jesus and then, make me an agent of blessing on the earth for Your Glory and not for my own glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.Thursday, July 4, 2013
Psalm 42... He is the Health of my Countenance?
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
This is My Father's World?
This is my Father's world, And to my list'ning ears, All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres. This is my Father's world, I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the wonders wrought.There is rest in the thought that we are the creation of a thoughtful and careful Creator. Nature sings. The music of the spheres is on the lips of creation and we either sing along, or we don't. Are we singing the praises of our creator? Or, are we singing the praises of ourselves? Aren't we beautiful, is the antithesis of the praise of God. We don't always see this point. We don't say God is nothing, but, like the devil, we say, we will be beautiful as God is, if we are not praising Him. He is worthy of all of the praises in the universe. We are in danger, the closer that we are to the worship of God. The temptation to syphon off a little of the praise and lavish it upon ourselves is our human condition. The devil did that and he will never return to his position. Praise God for the grace and mercy that we have received that our stumblings in this way, don't solidify our condition apart from His grace! Nature sings God's Glory! We sing the mighty power of God, that make the "mountains rise". We have access to God's mercy, through the sacrifice of Christ. It should make us more replete and lavish in our worship than the rest of creation. Oh, Halleluia! We get to sit between creation and the creator, to hear creation delight in His Glories and enter into the praise, as well.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Is it Father's Day yet? {from an essay on Sept 24,2010}

Our father on the earth...ie. Mr. Day {Life with Father}, Mr. Knight{my great grandmother's father} and everything in between
It is not polite what people call children who grow up without a father. I call them bereft, at the very least. Some men have impressed our culture to have them exemplified by their children who have risen and called them examples of what Christianity can lift men to aspire to live up to the ultimate example of God as Heavenly Father. Not just in America, but I love the ones exemplified in America, most. {but, of course, I am biased, in that American way.} The examples that I am considering came from the Cosby show, Life with Father, Cheaper by the Dozen and How Green was My Valley, Spencer's Mountain, Yours Mine and Ours, etc. My father's lifelong grief that he had to grow up without his father led me to look at what men personified fatherhood, to him and to me through him and why.Since our culture is truly affected by the Judeo-Christian ethic and every good and perfect gift comes from the father of lights in whom is no variableness of turning, I think it is a blessing and unto gratitude and edification to consider the blessing of fatherhood throughout recent history as given to us in the remembrances of children who have been affected or infected by the grace of God in Christ, either directly as Christian children or indirectly, by being in the agreement of the American government that we have inherited.
Calling God our Father, in Heaven has a sacred intimacy that is, at times taken for granted or deemphasized. Jesus could have said, say "Our Heavenly Monarch", which would have had a certain denotation which is certainly appropriate. "Our Father" intimates that we have access to knowledge about God that people, unbought {by the blood of Jesus} have not.
The Day children, the Gilbraith's the Llewellyns, etc. were reared in a time that cherished the biblical example of fatherhood and shined it up and put it on a pedestal; Not the man, but the office, as was clear in their remembrances. Christianity in America and the known world had developed to a point where the role of father was not eaten up by the peer pressure of conformity to materialism. All of the other "isms", no less present then as now, were subservient to the family dynamic. War changed that for everybody and much of what Bill Cosby seemed to do in his expression of the contemporary, post war father, was pick up the pieces of fatherhood that war had shot to smytherines.
It is God's Bride the Church who has developed culture to the point where fatherhood is able to imitate God, to any degree, in any time period. God makes His Church long for what is the image of God on the earth and the battle lines are drawn for the Church to take up the gauntlet and fight.I do pray that as we honor our fathers on fathers day. We will see and appreciate the love of Christ to give us such a concept of loving leadership. God give us the intelligence and skill to protect and project the real fatherhood that God is and rejoice that we have some part of fighting for the preservation of faithful fatherhood in our day. It is of your mercies that we are not consumed and Your image consumed from us. We have Your example God, to attempt to imitate. Bless our men to be emboldened to attempt the impossible, for the Glory of God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Christ holds the keys of sound wisdom and righteousness!
Proverbs 2:7. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. 8. He keepeth the paths of judgment, and pre- serveth the way of his saints. 9. Then shalt thou understand righteous- ness, and judgment, and equity; yea every good path.What a clear reminder is this truth in Proverbs 2 this morning. Charles Bridges underscored the reality in this most coveteous generation that we have been born into. Yes, we may be born into the most prosperous generation in the history of the world and it is impossible to see Christ clearly for the advantages that we have inherited. In Christ, we come as beggars, for the keys of protection from our own lusts and advantages. We are no less to come to the foot of the cross to find mercy and grace to help in the time of need. What greater need than the need of great advantage. Our bellies distended at our continuous corruption in the light of the blessings of prosperity that we have afforded to us. God has our state in His hands. God has bid us, through Charles Bridges this morning to see our need as an opportunity for our Lord and Saviour to grnt us the protection that we need for our souls. In reality, our prosperity clears our mind, if we are honest to know ourselves to be paupers, before the one most highly exalted one. Only, by His Grace we will be saved. We hold as it were one hope in our hands and there are tangled threads around us. Only one of those threads will not break in the day of our greatest need. If we are holding any other hope but the blood of Jesus, we will sink into the abyss. Our daily reminder is where is your treasure? If beauty, it will fade, if friends and lovers, they will forsake, if money it will rot, if Christ, we will reign with Him and all of these things that we hold loosely are preparing us for the greater glory of judging the angels. Let us learn to walk uprightly, that our hearts will be "buckled"{pun intended} correctly to the truth of God and that in that day we should be found having our eternal hope not dashed. Serving the Lord with gladness and giving ourselves in service to those around us, for the Glory of God! Halleluia and may we be found worthy to live eternally with our Saviour! He is the only hope for our condition. We lose, only in that we do not come to Him. Amen.Proverbs 2 commentary from Charles Bridges. God's blessing to us today.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Faith of Saul?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
God's intentions are good and deliberate
Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. Is. 49:22
Sometimes, it looks like the redemption of the gentiles was an afterthought or an accident, in scripture. I know that this is not the case, but here it is a wonderful opening of the mind and intention of God to "save to the uttermost".
I find such comfort in the earlier verses, that God always remembers us that I often miss the larger view of this passage. I imagine myself as the loved of God and this is true, but He was talking to His covenantal people in the Old Testament. I know this and it comforts me still, as I think of the comfort that it must have been to Daniel as he went through the captivity. Surely, it must have looked like God had forsaken them. Certainly, his heart would have ached to enter into true worship with the people of God and have the liberty to live out his days in communion with God's people. God had other plans for Daniel. God had not forsaken them, individually or corporately. Neither will He forsake Israel.Daniel had a ministry of instruction and governing in a Gentile environment. How completely outside of the box of expectation for the godly Israel mindset? "How can these ungodly people ever carry Israel upon their shoulders to God?" must have crossed his mind, more than one time. They must have felt like prey for the digestion of a mighty power, and yet God in them was greater than this mighty power. He has personal plans for us as individuals and He has a corporate plan for His people upon the earth.
When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as God's New Testament people, we are fulfilling the intention of God in Isaiah. In symbol we are acting like the Pharoah's daughter to Moses and raising one, who would be slated for destruction, without Christ and bearing him{unsaved Israel, in New Testament times}to the throne of God, in intercession.God has, as it were, turned the tables and given us the privilege of bearing the Mosaic covenant on the shoulders of the saved Gentile church of Jesus. Halleluia, What a Savior!
So, I am comforted personally that God will not forget me, in my struggles and I am comforted that He had His Bride in mind to draw Israel back to Himself, one day. What a mighty God we serve.Friday, February 15, 2013
Is your soul in your worship?
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Sometimes our faith is so shortsighted.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Thank God for those people, who God has called to build up our breastplate of righteousness.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Babylon is fallen, fallen? Is 21:9
Monday, January 21, 2013
"If thou art?" "If thou can'st?" "If Thou would'st"
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Some situations may overcome us...
Monday, January 7, 2013
The Sin of Murmuring
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Who's side are you on? They would ask the apostle Paul.
Romans 1;14He answered them, I am a debtor to the Jews and to the Greeks. I have a place in my heart to see my people saved, but the Gentiles also, have made a contribution to my soul and I wish to see them redeemed, as well. What a hard place for Paul to be in the first century, it was. He articulated, in the book of Romans, a desire for the Gentiles to come to Christ. Paul had seen the children of Israel squander the inheritance of godliness and the brains that God had given them and he had been privileged to make full use of his brain and his faith. He had a vision that in Christ we could use our brains to find solutions and pray for God's intervention, with furvor. I think the closest that we have come to the vision of that fruition of blending of faith and study came before the World Wars. There was a quote that God has given us the tools in our minds to problem solve, for His glory. We plunged into the midnight of thought and faith going to opposite corners and I think that we need to pray for the dawning of the dance of thought and faith. ie. We have let the devil have much of the entertainment realm. We have not sought to wrestle godliness into our youthful enjoyments. The spiritual battle is fought for the development of the minds and disciplines of my children. Today, I am thanking God for the many, who wrestled truth and faith into my thinking.