Evidently, from the perspectives of Valley of Decision, they were blaming the Carnegie methods with the break down of the culture. The commitment of industry to the building of strong families and a strong society was not there. The mom and pops started selling out to the monopolizers. Now, generations later, we are trying to get people to take personal responsibility for their own business. We have exalted the Carnegie method. Dehumanizing business, further and further away from real relationships, so that when we cut, we can look ourselves in the eye and not feel the sense of loss. I like what the writer was illuding to in Valley. The boss realized that there was reason for this disgruntled employee to curse him and he owned it. Understanding that this is a part of the responsibility of wealth. Sometimes being the scapegoat for people's misplaced grief. He did what he could to asuage the pain of this disgruntled and continued, on the other hand pursuing progress. Progress and development is the only way that we can pay the bills to the future generation and the bills of the past generation to care for them during our short stint in leadership of the nation and the world and our families. God will give a good conscience to who will ask Him. We needn't hang our heads, rich or poor. We do what we can and what we must and work for progress: the poor in faith and the rich in industry and job productivity. It is our responsibility one to another to build into the gaps that were not considered in the Carnegie tidal wave season.
We have inherited the claim to pay that we are now so detached from the country and from the production process that we can't find the keys to this car that we are riding in. We must first pray and then accept the responsibility which is ours to be our brothers' keeper and then pursue progress and development.
The earthquake that devastated us and our economy after the Civil War which caused Lloyd's to state Pay All Claims was a warning blast. Be concerned about the truth or be afraid of the consequences. God's mercy is great toward us to guide us when we have lost our way.
We cannot live as though the sky is falling at every CAT. We have to take a hard look at the way of production and progress and pray God that He will restore us, for His glory and for the sake of His people and testimony. God has not brought us this far to kill us in the desert. There is something here for us to do. We have inherited hungry mouths and a hungry country and a hungry world and few minds that can produce the jobs to help people to feed themselves.
As an aside, I saw the open hearth of the steel mills as God's fiery furnace, in this country. God has given us the access in this generation to unprecidented wealth and unprecidented splendor around us. I ask God to come in the productivity of this generation as He came to deliver the Hebrew boys from the fiery furnace. Be present in our productivity, we pray that it would glorify You Lord. God is Sovereign and the only way that we can understand what that means is in the tyrannical people. Nebby was the extreme of this. God is far more sovereign and yet merciful and kind and ...Good! When we see Him exposing His amazing parallel of compassion to us by offsetting a wickedness, by His grace, we are compelled to worship Him aright. The cloud of witnesses bid us to look to Him! Where is He? Commanding and Producing when we are whining and complaining about the fact that we have inherited a debt that we haven't the ability to repay. We mustn't pull the plug, although we are tired of the fight and the blame. Own the responsibility and ask God for the grace to stand and having done all to stand...
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