Stu was preaching about the work of Satan and the sifting of Peter a few weeks ago and I providentially stumbled on this delightful treatment and my soul was provoked to meditate on the closeness of Peter to the Lord Jesus to be thusly warned. I thought of the transfiguration and that there are so many things that Peter saw on the positive side of Jesus revelation of Himself, because of His proximity. You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! This revelation of Christ's Godness kept getting clearer and clearer for Peter, until he would really see the intercessory Savior before the completion of the project.
We see Him interceding on our behalf, everyday now. Sadly, it is the darkness of our sin that lightens this aspect of our glorious Saviour. I was the one who interceded for Job, Jesus seemed to say. Satan has asked for your soul, Peter. I am praying for you, Jesus assures Peter that his fall is not an eternal demise. Don't we often need that reassurance of our Savior. This sin is not unto death. When you are restored, strengthen your brethren. Peter must have mulled this over again and again before and after his denial of Christ. How could he have known that Satan asked this? He is God? He is praying for me? "The Lord said to my Lord, sit here until I make your enemies the footstool of your feet." He was despised and rejected {that meant I rejected him}. I thought I loved Him more than that, and He still loved me and prayed for me. John knew these conundrums of faith, from his love perspective. "If we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." The transfiguration was a precursor of redemption. He ever lives to make intercession for us.Do I appreciate the propitiation of God on my behalf? Do I seek His continued presence in my life? He is enthroned on high, on the feast and everyday. He saw my stumbles into sin and loves me, anyway. Satan doesn't always seek to sift us, but when he does Praise God, "5 bleeding wounds he bears...pour effectual prayers". I carry my soul and my forgetfulness to Jesus and ask for help and sight to see His prayers as for me, in Jesus Name. Amen.
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