Have you any greatness upon the earth, Job had magnificence in Heaven; To think that the devil could be jealous of Job’s integrity with God.He repented at the last in dust and ashes, his integrity having been tried as by fire. What was his reward? To know God in a deeper and more balanced way and to know the frailty of his own life and spirit. His friends were not implicated so much for speaking against Job’s integrity as for speaking falsely about God. So much of their beliefs of God are our own. What do we learn?
In my truest times of communion with God, I realize that I am a thread away from disowning Him. Our strength is not enough to hold us to Him. Why would He do this to a friend? Our own hearts accuse Him in our suffering. Shameful to have received so much good from God and we are still accusing Him incessantly. That wasn’t the devil’s job, really. Providences make us do such a wrong and think such of Him.
God paints a picture for Job of the mighty and great Leviathan. Himself, as master walking that creature, like a dog. As though Leviathan represents the devil’s request of God. He is a creature and this is his only entertainment, until His destruction is to try the saints. One day, it will not be like this. One day the reasons for all of these things will be evident. In the meantime, there is a contention and a working out of providence to be completed and your struggle is a pivotal piece of the puzzle and know that I love you with an everlasting love, says God to Job.Says God, I love you enough to give you my reasons, as much as you can receive, right now. You know that your redeemer lives and that is more than most people know and now I will open a window into the reality of the spiritual contention.
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