It was as though, Satan had come to Jesus already and asked Him to leave Peter in the sifter to be thrown out. Salvation is not in the longing. Thank God for that. It is in the grace giver. If Jesus is praying for you in Heaven, no plot or plan of Satan can thwart His plan for your life.
It is scary to think that the sifter is only a hairsbreath from making some of us Saints and some of us Sinners. Christ is victorious over the sifter now. Christ is in Heaven praying for our souls, or none of us would be saved. If Peter, who had a loving and close relationship with Christ knew not that his faith was to be sifted, what of us?
Christ's redemption and wholeness and security is with His Church, in this time period, before Christ's coming. We can cling to the means of grace and know that Christ's prayers are supporting, even our feeblest efforts at repentance and faith.
I may say, Christ, my heart is so prone to wander, I do not know if I will stand. Christ has come to give the grace to those who know their infirmity. It is shocking, that the devil's sifter would come across our souls, day after day. When we think that we are standing, as Peter did. Make me know, I pray, that Your prayers are for me, Lord Jesus. Be my Heavenly advocate and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Amen
1. Restore them in meekness, ye saints of the LORD..
For by grace shall the one who has sinned be restored.
All ye, in the Spirit of God, intercede,
at the throne of God's mercy for another in need.
2. If any man, brethren, has taken a fall,
carry that soul to Jesus: to prayer thou art called.
The burden is lifted to heav'n as you pray
and is laid upon Jesus, Who has power to save.
3. Consider thyself in restoring a soul.
For the evil you seek to destroy can take hold
of even the bravest and strongest and bold.
Laying wait for you, Christian, is that Serpent of old.
4. Though Satan should buffet, our God has ordained
that the strongholds be crushed as we pray in His Name.
We war with the weapons of faith, hope and love;
and the prayer of the righteous, God will hear from above.
5. Take courage! Remember, the battle is won.
He is Faithful to finish what He has begun.
The bruis-ed reed, standing, the flax set aflame,
shall bring honor and glory to His Most Holy Name
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