Monday, November 14, 2011

Lord, I believe...

Help, Thou my unbelief!

When God gives to us in His mercies, it is easy to grow our faith and to think that He will hear and answer our prayers. But, when we experience a no to our requests, it is easy to exhibit a, sort of, calloused expectation of God's future no's. Sometimes, I fear that there is a death of faith that is expressed by the expectation of God, not answering our prayers. I fear that, in the best case, it is an expression of disallusionment with the power of prayer and at worst it is an expression of a dead orthodoxy that may need the regeneration of God to revive it. Are we alive, Lord, if we don't expect You to save and to heal and to cleanse and to deliver?
God's word states that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Are we instructing, God's people to develop faith or to criticize faith in others? Help us Lord to look expectantly to You! I don't see the fruition of my prayers, yet, but I trust that You have my need in Your concern and You will answer, in due time. My fear and unbelief cannot stop Your power. I trust You, dear Lord.
Thank God for corporate prayer, where the unbelief of the one, can be overcome by the faith of the many.

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