This morning, I imagined that I was talking with my Daddy about how much similarity he has found between himself and Jacob. What a trickster, he said? I wish that I knew that God would honor those kinds of prayers when I was on earth. The beauty of the prayer for blessings for all of his sons. The sense that he could, as it were, trick God out of so many blessings. We were very blessed, he seemed to say, but the thing that I am learning on this side of the eternity of eternity is that there is more goodness in God than we can plumb the depths of. I do know that Dad. I said and I did want to talk to you about this in life. What an imagination, I have.
Seeing Jacob, take Ephraim and Manasseh and tell God which side to bless them from. If it was from the left than bless him with the blessing that I was supposed to get, if I hadn’t tricked my father and if it is from the right, then bless him with the blessing that I have received, having tricked my father from it. God, you are eternal and I trust that there are more blessings than my father could have given either Esau, or I. I am dividing the eternal blessing between the sons that you have given me, which is more restoration than I could have imagined that you could have given. Jacob saw that there was more in God than heart or mind could hold. God call’s Himself the God of Jacob. I want all of You that belongs to me and all of You that is my brother’s as well. That is the way to use sibling rivalry. Greedy for grace.
I think, in my imagination that those 2 boys were a darker version of Jacob and Esau, probably, one hairy and one smooth. Jacob had seen them fighting as the brothers are often doing. He prayed, whatever part of me that they come from the left or the right. Bless each of them with the blessing that is theirs and the blessing that is their brother’s. You are able to bless both brothers under the blessing of grace that is in You. May they never enter into the idolatry of the lifestyle that they are raised in; in Egypt. They are Egyptian, but don’t hold that against them. Raise them, dear Lord with the blessing of spiritual confidence that is as though they were me and raised, with their hand under my thigh. There is something far more intimate about the beauty of the life of the spirit with his children. Are you in your earthly father? Are you in your Heavenly Father? Is your hand under His thigh? Are you begging for the blessings of the darling children and the doted on children from our dear Heavenly Father? He stated that those blessings are inculcated through and expressed in Sabbath keeping… ”and feed you with the heritage of Jacob, your father”
You will see the intimacy of a right relationship with God. Correct expectation of the goodness of God, in Christ: Right knowledge that His goodness can be implored upon and the truth that when we go astray that He will and is committed to wrestle right into our hearts and minds, as He did with Jacobs real sons. The commitment of God to see what we ask Him and do exceedingly abundantly above what we have asked or thought. Did Jacob know that we would be feeding on his life of faith, even in that one prayer? Did he know that there were eternal halleluia’s in his progenitors in Israel and from Egypt? Halleluia, whatever we ask in prayer for our children, God multiplies.
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