Friday, March 5, 2010

Valley of Decision, Lord Barrymore

Bless God for the precious mirror that Lord Barrymore was of the grieved and grieving soul in Valley... God blessed his performance to be a mirror of the pit of Hell itself. The grief that is captive and damns the man or woman who by pain and remorse for the want of limbs or ability or money spites the day he gave any extra service to the undeserving. God has mercy and resists the proud, but nothing damns a soul like the grief that overwhelms me day to day. Thank you God for mercy and redemption!
If you have the privilege to watch this warning of soul, it would be profitable. I don't know if those who have not had a Job's wife experience could appreciate the sight of a grieved and grievous person. I took it to heart. Everytime I think of the fact that my Jesus stands in heaven with the Father and implores God not to damn me, though I struggle daily with a grief that could expunge me. I thank God. He is the one who challenges the soul and He is the one who heals the soul.
Though troubles assail us and dangers afright, Though friends should all fail us and foes all unite...

Grief stops there, too bad, we say. Others have and I have not. What have you not that God has not ordained.
They often have that stalwart, Donald Crisp, playing the life of the prosperous, or nobleman. Is it not easy to be godly, when you have all your faculties and your mind doesn't swarm with memories of dead and dying around you and everytime you look at the loss of your faculties they remind you of the grief. Not necessarily. It could have been Crisp's part to play the heartless, who spits on the paralytic, in his grief. The godly carries the ailing to the throne of grace. David said, let him curse, maybe God will have mercy on me, as such.
Grief blinds and deafens and stifles. Godliness, visits the afflicted in their infirmity and keeps oneself unspotted from the world. We may enter into their grief, for a moment with them, just listening to one story, again, and again.
It seemed a blessing to my father-in-law to tell the story everyday, of Sammy. I saw Mom grieve and sigh at every thought. What blesses one, may afflict the other. It is a difficult bridge to cross. We do wrong to relegate the smitten and aching to a portion outside of Grace. Jesus and He alone ready stands to save us. Filled with wonder love and power.
Jesus saw that noone would be there in the week, when the widow who gave the 2 mites was hungry and the clerics were eating her portion. Jesus died to save those who the system had excluded from salvation. The weak and the weary and the sad. Can we find 'ligion, who can't see the sky for grief? Maybe not? But there is a stronger than the strong man. He died that Job's wife, even could be saved.

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