Proverbs 8:35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.Daddy, where does the Favor of the Lord come from? Are we teaching our children to seek the favor of the Lord or the favor of man?
If there is any reason that people may need to take a break from church it is to discern whether their tradition is leading them to the favor of the Lord or the favor of man. “He is a good God fearing person, isn’t she?” Is that what they say about us?
What does that mean? Who are the people that make you genuflect before them? We have traditions that subjugate themselves to this or that person or construct of philosophies. We all have them. Many of us have established churches that instruct our little ones to fear strongholds and etc.We are in captivity to the traditions that have been established before us. Many of which are directly and indirectly traditions of Babylon. We are not just submitting ourselves to the ordinances of man. We are worshipping others, in the relationship between the things that they have amassed in their traditions. The cast system of our making is passed down to the children and they fear. This fear, I see in the eyes of some of the little ones. We must teach them early to pray about their fears and their foibles. They are not able to put their minds around the rules that they are subject to. Some home rules and some outside rules, many bosses make them confused. We have to isolate the priority as being God and even the subjection to parents must be explained as under God, or we are placing ourselves as gods to them. I answer to God.
Discipling them into the faith should be in our minds, not subjugating them as slaves. This is hard.Teach them to pray! Humble your hearts in your parenting.Give us grace to do this, Lord!
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