Friday, January 6, 2017

Is Thy Law a Light, Lord? Help us to prove that theorem.

Proverbs 6:23 
For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
Proverbs 6:24 
To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.

The Discipline of Learning!

The reproofs of instruction are the “Way of Life”…

It is as though someone asked the Proverbist, what is the purpose of all this learning stuff.  A son with “Senioritis” asked, why am I applying myself to study?  This is why we encourage the learning, line upon line.  This is why we are so very stern to correct you over and over.   We don’t let you stay in a line of reasoning that is apart from the reasoning of God.  Your life will be bettered, if you go this way.   You will see and grow to not be the naïve simpleton who is wooed away from your life by every reasoning that is about you.

Maybe this woman or that woman has the right road to go and then you wake up with your heart alone in your hand.  Discernment was not yours by the expression of study.  We awake early to our learning and we make it a habit and above this, we make it a love of ours.  Being reproved by truth and reproving is a continual sharpening of the mind and spirit as well as the body.

Seems hypocritical for Solomon to say that instruction is going to keep you from the “strange woman”.  Who had more “strange women” than he?  Where is the disconnect here?  Yo, Dad, keep you from the “strange woman”?  What gives?

Perhaps Solomon would say that is his religious answer to the question posed.  His public answer is that it is “supposed” to grow you to the point where you think before you act.  I can just imagine him answering the inquiring fools in his discertation.  His sons said if that is godliness and wisdom, I will be imbecilic.   I am among that style of childish reasoner, if I am alone in this thought, I confess.

How can you tell me to study to learn to be godly and single hearted in my covenants?  This is the question begged by all instruction toward godliness, but all the more when that Professor is Solomon, whose heart was turned away by his women.

He bowed to the idols and he served them as an initiator of polytheism in the kingdom.  Did God turn a blind eye to this?  Not at all.  This vulnerable King in Israel initially had prayed and been directed that there is repentance and reconciliation with God, when we come back to ourselves.

There is both a privilege of requesting wisdom from God and a pitfall.  The heart of God is just that magnanimous that He “Loved the world and gave His only begotten Son” for the harloting nations.  Solomon showed us both sides of God’s heart, in his growth and in his demise.  God is holy and He will never be defiled with sin.  But He sent us a Savior.  Who is Christ the Lord?

Our wisdom can keep us and our wisdom can condemn us as well.  My Pastor said “all of these instructions work at keeping us, only when kept in our back pocket as we are fleeing sin.”  When our steps slide,  thank God that there is reconciliation with God.

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