Friday, January 20, 2017

Blackness is not enough to save you!

I say that to myself everyday!

The deception that Young, Gifted and Black means that your soul is in tact

We've gotten our Black president now.  Isn't that a marker that God is not counting our blackness as being any merit in terms of our reconciliation with God?  He has never owed us anything.  We are no greater because of our underprivileged status in times past and we are no greater, now that we have earned participation in the process.

I, for one, am weeping that our cause has been swept into the basket of deplorables which is just another special interest group in this country.   I am weeping that we cannot take our privilege and be big about it and go to the innauguration and pledge allegiance to the greatness of the Democracy that our forefathers fought so hard to give us the right to a part in.  It is always the way of our people to take the "niggardly" approach to conflict.  Non-violent is laudable, nonparticipatory is implorable, I hope.

I pray that we can find a seat at the table in heaven, at last.  In spite of our tremendous sense of self importance that every battle is about us and whether our soul is "in tact".  and that is not necessarily a fact.  Amen

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