Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mourning Mohammed Ali!

I spent my whole life looking at my father's faith experience! He was my subject of incessant concern and prayer for his soul. I could see the reasons behind my father's conversion to Islam, even though it was far more secretive a thing than Mohammed's. I could understand the sense of human demoralization that made him turn to a more respectful alternative. I still expect that at the end, his heart knew that Jesus is no respecter of persons.

I am thankful that some of the dehumanizing aspects of American Christianity have been dealt with. I am thankful that we don't live in the civil rights era and that there are many churches with multicultural congregations. I am thankful that much work has been done to grow our hearts to love other cultures and people groups, in America. We will have to answer to God for the souls who couldn't see themselves as made in the image of God, because of our prejudices. Dear God, please continue to draw the souls who have experienced such demoralization of faith, that their discouragements blind them to the true truth. Make our churches real expressions of love and faith, so that others can see the Jesus is real. I am the one, who needs prayer in this regard, much. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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