The world teaches us to forget those children and concentrate on self, or keep parenting them when our job is nearly done. Both are deceptions. We need care and so do they.
Does Jesus care when your cradle is empty or emptying and your heart is not done cradling? Oh yes He cares, I know He cares. His heart is touched with my griefs.God help your mommies find their mission in this world when their children are so independent and rearing their own children and don't need us. or don't seem to need us. Give us ears to hear your mission for us, for the ears that we learned to hear their cries. Give us eyes to see your truth for the eyes that learned to reflexively respond to their missteps and messes. Give us mouths to say what is right and true and not curse our useless sense of our condition. Give us hands to give and serve others, with as much care as we gave to our own dear children. Help us Lord! Make us up for Your Glory, we pray! Amen
Lighten our paths with the light of Jesus and darken our selfishness. unclasp our hands from that which is not for Your Glory!
Draw those mommies to you, who were deceived and didn't see that it was You rearing the children.For the Parenting Spiritually Disenfranchised people, we pray. Lord Hear Our Prayer!For the sake of Christ our great Redeemer! Amen.
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