for they shall see God."How our hearts melt within us, when we cannot discern God's will among the voices of this age? where are you, Lord? There are so many people saying this and that is the word of the Lord.
God doesn't have to update His status, every so often. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. We are the ones who change and wither and exult, from time to time. How can we dig foundations that will last through the deluge of information pumped into our homes from sewers worldwide? We cannot choose a truth singly and build our lives around it. We must study to show ourselves seekers of God's will, today. We must dig into the truths that are poured upon us and not just receive all that is projected out. Stop being "click-bait". Stop just clicking on things in curiosity and see your mind as a wise consumer and not a dump.
Did I clic on this and why? Pray before you read stories on the internet. Search with a prayerful heart. Don't let these wicked days deceive you. You are smarter than that. My mind and my heart are vulnerable, eternally. Look back to simpler times and make sure that your spiritual and emotional foundations are built on the rock, Christ Jesus. We have no excuse for naiveté. God has given us His Word as the greatest treasure and if we hold it as our greatest treasure, we will find Him just as faithful to His Word. He gives us a sense of insecurity to allow us to know that we are not trusting in real truth. When we clean our mental house we will know His presence and strength. Until then, we are on a tightrope of the worst kind. The body's tightrope will take only our lives, the spiritual tightrope will take our souls, should we be deceived in this way.Dear Lord, please give us clean hearts and discerning spirits in this deluge of spiritual information of differing sorts. We want to see You clearly in the fog of junk. Help, Lord! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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