Sunday, October 25, 2015

Did you send your mother out to war on your behalf? I would hear God ask us.

Would we send our mommy to defend us at Benghazi? We must give an account. Mommy doesn't even know how to use email without a problem and she can't remember some things. Mommy should be President? I pray that it is not a symptom of masculine withdrawal. I fear that it is.

Mother, we would spare your conscience to answer to God for such things. We have gotten used to seeing a young and viril representative of leadership and what would it say of us and to our young men about the role of protecting women and children? I do wonder? I trust the providence of God, in these matters. I pray for all of the women in leadership and their counterpart men. I pray for this thrust of sympathy for a suffragette movement that was completely of a different hue, coming to buttress the woman in the presidency movement. We have wise and competent women all around, but is this the woman of the hour, because her experience is there? Is it sufficient experience to guide us?

Dear God, intercede and keep us from vanquishing our country by our special interests. Help us to see the importance of reality and not facades. Give us a hand of true guidance and sympathy to our simple minded expectations. We want our own wills and not what reflects or guides us into your Glory.

We love our mommies. Whatever they have done to us and our world, but we would protect and preserve them to make it to Heaven with us. Help us tell them that, Lord. In Jesus' sweet name. Amen.

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