I am woman, hear me roar...
We grew up with that as a mantra...No man rules us anymore. No more Braun's to mourn for. We will never fall into that pit, we swore to ourselves.
Submission, but not subjection. We will never genuflect to any man, as we saw in the historic woman's role. Christianity was careful to preach both sides of the story in our generation as their penance for the historic and massive mistakes of their predecessors.
I see myself in the roar of Hillary's victory lap. Isn't this what the woman's movement has prepared us for? Isn't this the hope of all woman who grew up in America? Didn't God answer us on this regard and give us a woman to represent our cause in the public eye? No one who has given birth from her womb has risen to such a height in our country. Isn't it because we are a neophyte country who hasn't learned how to accept commands from a woman? I don't think so.
I saw some very concerned and sensitive men who know that God said that women are the weaker vessel. I saw some men who loved this woman so much that they would protect her from the struggles of conscience that being Commander and Chief will bring. I saw that, whether we have a woman president or not is not as much an issue right now, as what God is wringing out of our struggle to find self government, under God.(as we still confess ourselves to be, under God)
God grant us a prayerful spirit about whether we want to make special interests the issue of our leadership choices. If we are shining for the glory of God in this generation and giving our children a thread of hope to hold onto as they face a future of hammering out hard problems; let us carefully choose which ones we want to count as already hammered. I love that God is owning our attempts still, as we stumble in this experiment and that He hasn't chosen to crush us under the weight that our sins deserve. He hasn't waged war against us, yet. He is allowing us to continue, some in prayer and some in politics and such. I thought perhaps we are as the dogs who licked Jezebel's blood from the ground and we will either be obedient to a good God, who has shown us mercy in our self-willed crushing of God's fear in our world. Do I have a conscience about this or that decision that costs lives? As a woman, my conscience is more sensitive, it is true, unless I have hardened it in the fires of sin's acceptance. We need a woman who can say, I do feel responsible, but I know that God has heard my confessions and I will lead into the future knowing that my mistakes and sins are under the Blood of Jesus.
If that would be the woman that Hillary has become, by faith, then, I know that God is saying that he could have humbled wicked Jezebel and saved her for His glory, had He chosen to. To the utmost, Jesus saves. I believe that, but we mustn't justify the hardenedness that has become the woman's movement. The spirit that pits childbirth against my own ambitions. My ambitions must submit, first to God and then to the powers that be. God grant that we would be the ones to paint a picture of the power of God using government to pare down self will and making a general good and a hopeful spirit that losses are opportunities for future generations to hammer that knotty problem. Christ heal us from abortion. Heal us from hardened hearts at the wonder of what You do. Heal our land from the lioness woman's self-seeking generation that we have become. Help us see the love that the men in our lives show to us when they see our anger making us want to eat our children and show ourselves and them that we could have really been great. I saw a group of men that showed that to me in the Senate. Maybe nobody else saw that, but I did. If you girls want the ball, we will give it to you. It is not a game and we are not trying to keep it from you, they seemed to say. Many things we would hope you would never have to see or decide on as women, but if you want it, here it is. We don't want to be protected from that, we say. We may just wish for these days back, when we see the craziness of war and death and sadness that is governing.
God grant us wisdom, Amen.