Genesis 38
Joseph is on his life's journey and Jacob is beyond comfort. Judah experiences the parallel grief with his father of having sons whose way is wicked first, a first death and then the knowledge that God killed them. That is a sad reality
There is none righteous, but, when light has dawned of God's mercy and we don't imitate that mercy and grace in our lives, there is no story sadder than that. Ninevah, Sodom, Gomorrah, etc. they perished in blindness of the reality of God's standard. Not Er and Onan, they were privy to the goodness of God in every way that was available. They had state of the arts revelation of God and still it didn't change their behavior. The scripture doesn't say what their wickedness was?
Still, my meditation carries me to believe that it had to do with covenant breaking. I often meditate on the deviancy of my own heart in such matters and how high God's standard is for this reflection of His commitment on earth. He has much light for us, who love Him. He also has much correction of sin for us to create in us His likeness.
Jesus paid it all for us. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation that we have received?
Genesis 38, my reading today...
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