Saturday, January 17, 2015

thoughts on Psalm 22

Psalm 22
a reference to a great sermon on the subject.

The thought that Jesus meditated on the Scripture in His deepest agony on our behalf, is simply an awesome thought. I know that He is the Word made flesh. I know that He is the enfleshment of the Godhead bodily, and the infinite price of His salvation on my behalf has an awesome impression on my soul’s meditation. Still, it seems new to me that He would walk through, as it were, Psalm 22 and the other passion narratives in the Old Testament during His most crushing blow. I see that there is no eating of the beauty of Psalm 23, God’s Shepherding care without the payment of Psalm 22 on our behalf.

Often and too often, I say, I eat of the comforts of Psalm 23 without first, considering the awful cost to the perfect Savior in Psalm 22.

Jesus breathed these words out in His infinite anticipation of His Grief in Glory past. In actuality, He breathed the words out from the cross and walked through them for the sins of individuals as well as the nations.

Your heart will not die here in the darkest point of human history, Jesus spoke in anticipation of the resurrection, to God. No other season of history compares to the heinousness of that act of deviance against God that humanity shakes the fist at the creator and the loving Savior. We do it and did it to show that we are fallen. Jesus focuses on the “ends of the earth” coming to know Him. He knew that His people needed a Savior and He was there for them, but He walked out the course of redemption for all of the people groups from the furthest reaches. What a great knowledge that we were in the “His own” when He loved them to the end referred to in John 13:1. Jesus said to everyone who heard Him on the cross, the forsaking of God and His son has an eternal purpose. Our salvation is that eternal purpose. Our redemption and sanctification is that eternal purpose. Jesus could see that.

From the ends of the earth we have come to give Him the glory and to fulfill the reality of His uttering in anguish, Why, have you forsaken me? He has plucked us from those ends of the earth and we glorify Him in our differences and similarities. He, has bid us to glorify Him and we do. He has called to the islands of the sea to compose praise and worship and they do. He has plucked up the rocks from the sides of the roads and the worms from the ground around the crucifixion and they praise and compose worship songs for His glory. He saw us there. He cared about our darkness and came to give us true life.

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