Saturday, October 4, 2014

QUESTION: Dost any get to Heaven, Dutch? Hast the Lord for me what is'st for Me?

I thinketh that what the Lord hast for me is'st not only for me? I thinkest that none of us est much or est alone on our path to heaven. I thinketh that if we hast not won our city of destruction to God, we hast not won our own souls. It is just my opinion that if we can be content to get to heaven alone and our city in shambles we might'est not have the root of the matter in ourselves. Dutch is a term meaning to pay our own way to go our own selves alone. I think if not in "mass" than perhaps we are among the ones who are not at all. We are won or we are not won into "the beloved". "The beloved" a mass of won souls.

The devil went not to Hell alone and the kept and unfallen angels went not to Heaven alone. He {the devil} attempts to win in "mass". We must have made up mind to be won and to win souls along with us. He, Jesus blood is efficacious for ourselves and for others. He paid the whole price for our untoward souls. We have no rights to grace and the others who have no right to grace can and may at end be won to Heaven, perhaps by us and perhaps inspite of us. God's Word is not in suspect. Our individualistic "Babylonian" everyman for himself perspective is suspect!

God, Almighty, win us to Thyself, in Jesus Name. Amen.

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