Poor and powerless of spirit Blessed are the poor in spirit. All the hearts that are content And all who feel unworthy, All who hurt with nothing left, Will know that Jesus is holy.
Christ revealed in scripture and in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is a salve to the soul. Holy Jesus. Comforting and enlivening worship. What dulls worship more than a sense that we are sufficient for these things in ourselves. Loud dull or quiet dull is dull worship. Is our heart comforted or distressed in worship. Both are good. Nothing in worship, that is bad.
I probably would not be as sensorious to God’s presence in worship, if it had not been a 25 year trek through unbelief and emotional pain looking for the comfort of God in grief. God is there in grief, but you can get bogged in the quicksand of sad occasions. Blaming God is the devil’s business. He does it well. How can we know that You are holy, in this? Is the question to God. How can we see you as just in this hard trial.
Get over it, is the world’s answer. You are bigger than this. You are stronger than your pain and you are a conqueror. Are you? In Christ alone, you are! Where there is no struggle there is no overcoming.It does say, they {not he or she} They overcame him{the devil and his accusations against God’s goodness and mercy in everything} by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimonies. They did not love their lives unto death. They were committed to the truth that God is married to His Church and their comfort was in the comfort of oneanother. God’s church prevails, not the lone ranger, essentially.
He knit me together in my mother’s womb. He is knitting His church together for His glory in these days of time.