Ephesians 5:31
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Ephesians 5:32
This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
A Friend of Jesus—A Friend of the Marriage
I. Salvation by Grace through Faith—
II. The blessing of marriage
III. The defense of a vow
IV. The instruction of it’s heavenly significance
V. The Blessing of mirroring a Heavenly Mystery on earth
VI. How am I a Friend of Jesus in my marriage?
VII. How am I a Friend of Jesus to others’ marriage?
VIII. What do I need to do to improve my friendship with Jesus?
IX. Understanding of my sundry vilenesses and applying them to my improving my friendship.
a. Lessons for husbands, in loving of your own wife
b. The problem of lust
c. The wall of emotional baggage
d. The engagement of my will in repentance
e. Saying no to the flesh
f. Unplugging the eyegate from diversions
g. Unplugging the eargate from invasive influences
h. Rules for proving if a medium is family friendly
i. Lessons for wives in respecting your husband
j. The problem of comparison
k. The practice of respectful speech
l. The practice of building a positive Public Response
m. The practice of praying these responses into the soul
X. Learning to become at home with oneanother- growing in love and heavenly acceptance in the midst of an unfriendly world.