Luke 12
In Sunday School, our teacher pointed out an occurrence of the Lord declining to assist a person. It was awesome the wonder of Jesus to care about the soul of this fellow in not interceding on his behalf. His request was obvious and it was a felt need. Others would have taken his cause, perhaps, but Jesus, did not say no. He said who called me to judge over a civil case? He said, you have a deeper need that needs addressing. He told a parable about a rich fool. The question in the passage is, are your eyes opened to see your real need? Jesus, actually said yes to his need and no to his request. I see this sometimes in the no's that God has said to me. I say no to your desire to be preeminent over your sisters and brothers and I say no to your glorying in the treasure of children that you have, I say yes to your learning to be a servant and a humble Christian woman, even above your earthly "birthrite". The New Testament is about wrestling our passions from our breasts: "I won't let you go until you bless me". If we walk with a limp, with a quesion of faith "Why didn't you take up my cause, Lord?" If our hearts are pricked toward God, with some sense of question of His ways, it is so that we can learn that His New Testament blessing is that our eyes may see Him and not for our glory, but for His. I would never want to have lost my son, but when God pricks the heart in such a way, He opens the eyes to Himself. I hope that I didn't go away without the blessing or the answer, as did the rich, young ruler. I hope that I saw the eyes that he is opening are the eyes of the spirit.
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