who are called by my name",the Lord has bid us to humble ourselves and seek His face. But it seems here in Ezekiel, where I am reading this morning that there is a direct relationship between the Sabbaths and the humbling of Gods people, that I hadn't noticed before. It seems in Ezekiel 20 that God refers to Himself as almost drinking the Sabbath and that the defilement that we pour into the Sabbath, by hallowing or not, is poured out upon us, that God would use that as a relationship to woo and to win us.
It seemed as though the cup of the Sabbath is taken to our God's lips and if it is dirty, He pours it upon us and we are choosing the poison that we are enduring, by our disobedience. I must say the there is alot of reasoning between the lines of what God says in Ezekiel, but it would take books to pen the lines of scriptural reasoning from this text.
God, grant us eyes to see the regard that You have for our obedience to You and not to be deceived by our own senses of pietism. Help us to be those who would humble ourselves, by Your grace, that our land would be healed and that our relationship would be with You and not with wood, hay and stubble. Ezekiel 20
Ezekiel 20
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