When we are not in Christ, we cannot love brethren with a pure love.
Blest be the tie that binds...Our hearts in Christian love,The taste of heaven on earth is the purchase of brotherly love, by the blood of Jesus.
The fellowship of kindred hearts is like to that above.
We have nurtured our hearts in the world so long that we don't appreciate the deliverance of God from the imaginations of our own hearts that are always evil, and continually.
How wickedly we would use and abuse oneanother, were it not for the instruction of God and the institution of Christian love in the Church. We can love oneanother in the family and we can love the brethren with a more pure love. We can reprove oneanother and correct one another, in love, because of the Blood of a perfect Savior.
He instructs us to be living in the love of Christ with one another. Sisters and Brothers who are from different backgrounds, but have one Father in Heaven, who teaches us how to love oneanother, in family and in the church and in the community. God give us grace to live and love, in the tie that binds us, The Blood of Jesus.
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