Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Proverbs 24

Truly it is a sad thing to see the land of the man who is void of understanding. Seeing the thorns and the thistles heaping over the walls and the breaking down of the protective elements, walls. A little sleep... Obvious that the person is left desolate in the day of want. I remember seeing some of the most exciting scenes in some of the Disney movies is when the Prince takes his effort and his sword and hacks at the overwhelming thorns and thistles that envelope the Princess. What a picture of deliverance. The position of being enveloped by the thorns and thistles is certainly a sad condition and oft times lethal, but the spiritual thorns and thistles have much more eternal consequence.
I passed by the soul of the man void of understanding and it was overgrown with thorns and thistles. Ignorance and confusion had enveloped his soul and he was blind to his spiritual condition. He was entertaining himself with much distraction and completely unaware of the place where he is in truth.
I remember my Grandmother's face, every time that I came over, after she had been diagnosed with cancer. Am I going to Hell? She would ask me. I said, Grandma, I can't tell you that. You must believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. I can't tell you, where you are going. We hardly think about our eternal condition until we are peering through the window of eternity. Heaping teachers to ourselves that will tell us what we want to hear, doesn't make us right. God knows if our spiritual wall is collapsing. God knows if our hearts are toward Him or toward our own comforts. We keep educating the rich young people to preach what we want to hear. Am I going to heaven? We ask these young people. Let me tell you that we know we are missing the mark in this. God will hold us accountable for every poor but godly man that has been muzzled, by the condition of the Church in our day. The condition of that kind of laziness is eternally lethal. God knows that He has created the godly for the day of evil. Help us Lord to see the truth that You have exposed to us in this day.
Proverbs 24: 30-34-I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;

And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.
Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction.

Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:

So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man

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