Thursday, November 4, 2010

The day after the "revolution"--The Republican Takeover?

I am so encouraged at looking at the imprecatory Psalm 35 with Pastor Boice. So much of the power of the Word of God is evident in that Psalm, which we never sing and we never really meditate on much, because it is so repugnant to our redeemed humanity, or should be and so convenient for us, in our wrath and anger, to identify with. The fact and the reality of conflicts and enemies of our souls is the first truth, on the surface of the passage. We are always going to have conflicts to assuage, dissuade, or navigate around, or through. Like storms, the truth of conflict and enemies is consistent. I see, how God gave David, leave and encouragement to write his heart toward his enemies and allowed and preserved it for us, by the Holy Spirit for our good and profit and instruction. I think that it is obvious that because David was a man of prayer and meditation, the expressions of his anger and wrath were mixed with mercy, because he allowed God to touch his anger through prayer. When we allow God to deal with our sinful anger, in private, we can be convinced that we will not act in the full extent of our sinfulness. { I.} “The wrath of man cannot glorify God.” God gives us clear instruction on what should be the first thing that we should do with our anger. “Take it to Jesus. Tell it to Jesus. He’s a friend that is well known.” Perhaps tell it to Jesus alone, perhaps tell it to Jesus and then act on it. Pastor Boice's helpful sermon today

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