Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Things that the Scripture tell us, grieve the Holy Spirit.

It seems that we think of the doctrinal things that grieve God. Believing wrong things about Him. Relational problems, are the number one thing on God's grievance list. "Do not give place to the Devil" Anger, wrath, malice...etc. These, of God's grievances create walls of division in the people of God. I was imagining that, if the Church of Christ is like His garment, whose "train fills the temple" and we are like the tassels. Imagine if I decide to build a wall between myself and the tassel next to me. It messes up the garment. It simply cannot be, that there is a wall. We tear God's fabric and make a hole in the train. Shame on us. God has to stop what He is doing, to repair the beautiful fabric of His presence on the earth. That is the picture that I was getting on Sunday, when the choir was singing.
We don't want God to treat us, like Igor {You rang!}; "Present with us", only in form and remembrance. We want a current, alive, empassioned relationship, between God and His Church. We don't want God to show us His absence, which is just a palpable as His presence. I will seek Your face, O Lord, should be the cry of our hearts. His commitment to emote and show Himself is to His Church and we should be the ones who want to know Him. Don't let me be the tassel that has a hole in the garment by building a wall.

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