Is my sin going to melt or need I salt the streets? I do let myself stew in a course of bad habits like the ice on the ground and leave it there, choosing not to salt the course or clean up the mess until I “good and well” please. Sanctification and the progress of knowing God in my soul is helped or hindered by my behavior and contributions. If there is one thing that we will regret in heaven, it is that we didn’t get to know the Lord more upon this earth. How could I have missed Your goodness in this or that situation? We will ask ourselves and those are the tears that the Lord will wipe away.
Gotta Be Startin Somethin-
Mortification of sin is learning and growing in the efforts of seeking out God to deliver and make inroads of righteousness in the stubborn areas that have been affected by sin. We have known so little progress in taking captivity captive, because we choose the course of retreat as opposed to the course of combat. Do we study the world that we live in, to inject the skills of civilization and righteous living into the habits and hearts of the young people. That is a task of parenting. Wrestling into the hearts and minds, skills that will allow them to be successful in their long term relationships: Both skills of protection of self and skills of common interaction.
Books of family direction-
Stories of struggle and overcoming the strifes of the previous seasons in America and the skills that have allowed people to enjoy and produce effective offspring and families. When the family becomes defunct, destruction is not far behind.
Sometimes in our zeal for the coming of the Lord, which is imminent; we neglect to have a longterm vision for usefulness and skill development for the next generations. Though He tarries, I must persevere; should be my mindset. “Work, as if on that alone, hung the issue of the day. Pray, that help may be sent down. Watch and Pray.” We certainly do watch for His appearing, or sleep as the case may be. Charting, as did earlier generations, the effects of the current philosophies and equipping the Saints of God to do the work of the ministry in their providing their children to stay hand in hand with Jesus in the torrents of storms. We know Jesus, because somebody stood against the tides of foolish mindsets and godless philosophies and gave you the tools to see and know God, although all Hell tells you that if there is a God, you don’t need Him in these days. Somebody showed you that this is what God tells us to do and this is how to do it. Repentance and faith, initially and then walking in the fear and admonition of the Lord, is instructed, not to be taken lightly. Not just the don’ts. The do’s. What do I do when I am bombarded in the world and mud gets into my mind as with the music and movies and internet etc. How do we walk with a good conscience in this multimedia world?
Ice is always on the ground and if you do not have the salt to put on it, you will skid into the ditch. It seems so easy to see that here where the snow is one inch thick, but, even in NY where the piles of snow may be over 6 feet, there are salt trucks that give the streets a covering that penetrate the ice and make the driving not as treacherous. Perhaps it is more dangerous in the Bible belt in a way to try to serve God, because when the temptations come there has been no practice dealing with them. So we just give in. In volleyball practice we serve and bump and spike and set, with no whistle to control the moves and no formation and then, after these skills have been inculcated, when the whistle blows, instinct does its work and at first you are surprised that you are able to remember and do the right thing. My knees were knocking together I was so nervous in my first volleyball game. There is no way that I am going to remember what a bump is much less how to hit it. Mr. T said yes you will. When the whistle blows your knees will stop knocking and that is when instinct comes in. It sure did. I was surprised at what I could do sometimes when the whistle blew. It is the parents job to practice the lifeskills so that when the whistle blows (I do or in the work environment) they don’t blow the game for lack of practice. Did you practice making ammense with your brother or sister? Did you practice healing a broken relationship and compromising? All of the difficulties that happen in family will happen again and again in the learning environment. Are you going to let the negative patterns rule the day?
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