Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. Acts 13:49 And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region. Acts 13:50 But the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts. Acts 13:51 But they shook off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium. Acts 13:52 And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.God has chased us as Gentiles from "the ends of the earth", as it were.
To be a particular possession of HisHe has the intention of making us the monuments of His mercies and grace. As I look at this chapter in my devotions, I am struck afresh, at what made the Gentiles glad here. The joy of the Lord came upon the disciples, which means that they were not always filled with joy either.
I have taken note of times of particular joy that came upon the children of Israel and the Church in the NT. I am often perplexed that it is persecution that draws out the joy in the New Testament. Obedience and following the directives of Scripture seems the pattern of joy in the Old Testament, for the most part. Evangelistic success and enlightenment on the part of the Gentiles were the ingredients in the New. Personal obedience, notwithstanding when the Holy Spirit gave unction and success, there was joy noted. It wasn't, as would seem in some Christians and some Churches, an everyday occurrence. There was joy and great joy noted upon certain occasions. I trust that as I look at this subject afresh on the season of my dearth of joy that God would make it effectual to my own edification and confirmation of faith.
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