O Wisdom from on High,
O Truth unchanged, unchanging,O Light of our dark sky,
We Praise Thee for the radiance,That from the hallowed page,
A lantern to our footsteps,Shines on from age to age,"
Still, we are bid to let its excellencies shine in our lives and through our words. We are warned and exhorted not to take the glory to ourselves. I find this far more difficult to do when dealing in the things of the spirit, than in the obstinate pride of place in excellencies of other sorts.I really do think that the more that your dealings are with the Word of God, the greater the temptation to exalt yourself and have the wrong ends in mind when accomplishing it. We must ignore this reality and confess and forsake much, or nothing at all would be done.
The allegory that I just watched of Lord of the Rings was vivid in that to me, when Frodo and Sam went about saying what might be said about them in their journey by those back at home in the future tales. That is so often my motivation and this lies in the face of our Savior, who was motivated by love for His own people and His Father in Heaven in coming to suffer on our behalf.What an incomparable Savior we have, even to the heroes in mens' imaginations.
"Christian seek not yet repose,
cast your dreams of ease away,
Thou art in the midst of foes,Watch and pray
Watch as if on that alone,lies the issue of the day,
Pray that help may be sent down,Watch and pray."
Lord, how can my treasure be the hidden man of the heart when it is so cold and indifferent, sometimes? Help me to do and carry the truths of Your Word and the word of our testimonies for Your glory and refuse to hold onto the glory for myself. What a great temptation that is and how often the devil gets the better in that battle. Help, O Lord. Help me to highly regard my precious Savior who was holy harmless and undefiled and not afraid to be misunderstood and maligned on my behalf. Thank you for that great salvation that He purchased and help me to greatly regard that treasure. I love you, Lord and see that eye has not seen the victory, ear has not heard the sound and neither hath it entered into the mind, the things that You have prepared for them that love You. Thank God that no allegory does salvation justice. You are the mighty God and all foes will bow at Your feet and yet You wage war against the enemy on our behalf, Your people. Halleluia, what a Savior! Amen.
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