Sunday, July 19, 2015

How shall he who occupies the place of the unlearned, say his "amen"?

That Gary Owens expresses that text perfectly for me. I remember "occupying the place of the unlearned". Not being able to understand the stuff that goes on in church is convicting as well. It is not totally disrespect that makes somebody laugh at some of the things that we do in church.

Unbelief is blinded, is true. But, confusion is blinding and when we don't explain what we are doing we are keeping people blind and not allowing them to enter into faith in Christ. We are, as it were, binding the hands of the Holy Spirit by our confusion. Shame on us.

Grief has often thrust me into the place of the unlearned, also. Everyone praising the Lord, when my heart is so broken feels like a telescope turned the wrong way. I am right here in the worship and enjoying the truths that are embraced by so many, but they are far away from me in grief. I am occupying the place of the unlearned.
I say, "Let the Amen, sound from His people, AGAIN. God grant clarity in Your Churches for the "unlearned's sake". In Jesus' Name, amen.

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