Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Seek the Lord.

Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.

A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.

Proverbs 18:1 and 2
Desire and love are the digging place for the human dogged determination. Solomon points this out so succinctly. Like a dog, after a bone, when we love a subject, we search it out and find the smallest detail of it. In contrast, Solomon, through the Holy Spirit directs us, that a fool is only interested in revealing himself to others, it is as though his nose for truth is pressed against his own heart.

This is what I am doing and this is what I am thinking and this is what I want etc. The rod of correction was fashioned by God to take our noses out of our own bosoms and place them in the dirt of truth to uncover the gems and precious things that He has hidden there. Would to God, that we would search Him out, with dogged determination.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Isaiah 49:8

Isaiah 49:8

Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
We have all come from the desolate heritages, into Christ, who have flown to Christ for salvation and redemption.

The desire to mother the desolate heritages, is the blessing of the Lord. The desire to give maternal influence and to see it shine to the glory of God is a God wrought impulse. God nurtures a culture so that the growth of women can include something other than what is for self ornamentation. The ornamentation of the souls in heaven is what children they have nurtured for the glory of God. This is clear in scripture as something that is God nurtured and not earthly. God shows that salvation is the want of self to be in communion with God and that the nurture of other souls to learn to love Him, also.
In the book Man of LaMancha, Cervantes shows a culture where Christian maturity had not grown to the point where a woman could love God and become converted and show His grace in her life, without being taken advantage of by others. This is a judgement on a culture. When a culture cannot nurture women to love and want to love others to draw them to Jesus, without being taken advantage of, it is a grave judgement and God shows what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah, who had wicked intentions for every visitor to their city. That is the spirit of Rahab that God is hammering out of our history, as we instruct Christ to each generation. We should be growing in the fear of God. What are we nurturing in our young? In our home? In our city? In our country? In our world? Can someone love people and show the love of God, without being taken a prisoner of wickedness and taken advantage of by the mob. Christianity is a higher power for cultural change than was Judaism in the Old Testament. God, through Christ has bought salvation and grace personally and then, cultural change results, as we grow up into Christ in all things. Someone must yearn for souls as a barren woman yearns for children. This is the spiritual battle that God is fighting. Where is Hannah, He seems to cry in Isaiah. Where is the family who will fight the good fight to nurture souls into the kingdom, through love?

Friday, January 14, 2011

To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:5

I sit in wonderment, that there are some, in Scripture, noted for asking God, "What are You doing?" What a brave question that is, and yet, everytime, one of God's friends asks God for an answer, God answers with far more information, than the person could handle.
I am going through Revelations, which, I believe was an answer to the apostle John's questions to God and here we are gleaning from, Jesus redemption of our souls, to know God in an intimate way, in the Scripture.
My children ask me, Mommy, what are you doing? I say, today I am resting, because I am sick. That means only 3 loads of laundry and naps more often and tylenol to help me cope.
God gives us the entire Scripture to explain the things that we can know about what He is doing. God give us grace to want to know You, first, in the pardon of our sins and then, in the study of Your Word and thirdly, in the providences that You send. Amen.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Intentional commitment to prayer.

Prayer for my own soul's needs and the needs of others...prayer, beginning a rapport, as it were, with the God of the universe is our portion as a believer. What a privilege to be allowed into His presence, at all. We don't deserve His hearing us. That is the most important posession that we have as His children; access to Him in prayer.
Confession of sin, hallowing His name, praise and worship, setting our needs and desires before Him, enjoying the meditation of His attributes are some of the components of prayer. Lord, teach us to pray, the disciples asked. Expression of having the presence of God, in the pardon of our sins is the desire to pray and the commitment to pray, certainly not as a superstitious habit; but as a wonderful expression of loving interaction with the dear and wondrous God who paid all to save us.
When prayer becomes rote and verbiage, void of heart and purpose, something is wrong. We still must pray. The elder saints, used to call this posture of prayer, "praying through". There is an old hymn that says Sometimes a light surprises the Christian when he sings... It is the Lord, who cometh, with healing in his wings. How many times can we say that this is so true? God rarely allows us to go to Him that He does not give us a sense of the reason for our coming. He reminds us of our need, our sinful tendencies and challenges, that are yet unmortified. He gives us fresh life and vigor in service and life. He bears the burdens of our challenges and pains.
When we call out to Him and look at His attributes in prayer and worship and praise, we are forcing our mind's eye to look distinctly, in the only way that we can, at the God who we are serving.
Invitations to worship and praise and call upon Him, to love Him verbally, to shower His glory with our mentions of them. Take out the God's attribute blocks and call them out to Him and see if God doesn't give you a greater vision of His purposes in your life and His presence with you in your struggles.

Oh! What peace we often forfeit?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Oh God You are my God..."

I will ever praise You? {For eternity we will be allowed to give God the highest praise!} The psalmist was in awe of an eternal God allowing Himself, as it were, to be owned by His people. Individually and in community, with the Church of redeemed Saints, we can say "Lord, You are our Lord."
We enjoy His presence and welcome Him into our worship and praise. We cannot even imagine the blessed sweet communion with God, if we are not worshipping Him. Worship is the glasses that we can put on, to see a small segment of the magnitude of the joy that God takes, in being owned by His own posession.
God planned our redemption. God paid for our souls, with the blood of His Son. God intended and accomplished salvation for us.
Sometimes, I have to put all of my petition on the shelf and just bask in the wonder of the relationship that God is my Friend, my Lord, My...God!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dogpile on Righteousness

If righteousness is the football, are we making strides? Sometimes we fumble the ball, and it is on the ground. Who will pick it up? Which team is going to get the ball? Satan's team wants to keep the ball and keep us from making any strides at all, in the game. If we just stay in the middle of the field and we are not moving it to the goal, what good is it?
We are here in 2011 and it is time to determine to be a part of the dogpile on righteousness. If there is somewhere you want to be, it is part of the team that is trying to recoup lost righteous intentions.
Don't be one of the teammates doing your own thing, when righteousness is at stake.