Friday, October 29, 2010

As the Post War Generation, I think that sometimes we lose sight of the importance of battle.

When I watch the old movies with Errol Flynn and Earnest Borgnine, etc. I am caught with the shrewdness of men with a cause that is above themselves. I think that the me generation has made us individualistic and constant in our pursuit of the self benefit of any, if not all exercises. God, has also shown Himself to us, as we have to Him, hidden, if we are seeking Him for self and found only in the selfless endeavoring to promote His good and His glory. The taking of prisoners into the bottom of a ship and using them for the effort of a goal in the antithesis of their desired aim, we call slavery. Cultures in, earlier days used this means to accumulate wealth and vanquish foes. God, will certainly not be our slave. He is our goal and purpose and promises to be found by those who seek Him, with their hearts.
God has shown that His purpose and intention of His heart is the promotion and sustenance of His Bride the church upon the earth. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture when we work on His behalf. I am afraid that so many, as Jesus says will be found in those days confessing their allegiance with Christ and hearing Him say, I don't nor did I know you. A sad state for those, living unrepentant lives. Those whose aims were mixed, if not wholly devoted to self interest.
Use us, Lord to paddle for Your glory, though, if need be in the remotest part of the lowest part of the hull of Your ship, if it be the one headed for Heaven. Allow us not to be deceived in the wide road of the self interest guru's. Help us paddle to Heaven for the good of Your Bride and for the glory of Your Name.
Straighten our course, with every prayer, Let Heaven's breezes lead us there. And grant us mercy ever more, As we sail to Heaven's shores

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