Looking to our undershepherd for direction for our youthful lives. What do we do, now that we are young Christian wives? I will tell you what my mother did, was the answer Pastor Martin gave us. She prayed on the floor for the salvation of this soul. She gave hospitality to strangers and my wife did also. We were yearning to be that kind of woman. Fellowship and right service to husband and the church were the longing of our hearts. We committed that we would make his preaching come alive in our homes. So, we respected our husbands. All of our training had taught us to be self assured and determined feminists.
I still remember the message about the woman with the alabaster box of ointment. I was sitting in the back of the church and I felt the Lord call us to go outside of our comfort zone again. We couldn't live in Christian huddle, it was time to envision and live to God's glory where we were planted, as hard as this was. It was time to leave Trinity.
Laboring to anoint the feet of Jesus was the motivation. Laboring to give service in an uncomfortable set of circumstances. Englewood was where we lived and we would lend our praise and prayers there.
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