Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So Blessed to learn to cast my care...

I do imagine the devil going to God daily, carrying our complaints before God. As it shows him in the book of Job. God says to the devil, where have you been. He answers the Lord. I just imagine, he brings up to God the complainers. This person is accusing You of this and that and Your goodness is questioned in this or that way. I haven't heard that Job was among the complainers, it seems to illude to, in the passage. Almost, as though that is the measure of godliness on earth. Jesus carries our griefs and pleads on our behalf before the Father, but the devil is pleading against us.
How many of us are among the people that God hears murmering and complaining, though we are blessed with sooo much? It is good to give thanks to the Lord on high. We make elaborate excuses, why this or that kind of expression of praise is not to our liking and I am a very picky musical listener.
I know what it is to complain about a sour note or a mis-hit note in a song. Far worse than a sour note, is complaining. AHHHHHHH! Do, re, mi!
God is merciful and he listens to every petition, but, murmuring is accusing God of unjustness, in His providences. Too often we are the ones who the devil is carrying the gossip, to God to tell on our murmuring. Jesus paid for these sins too. But, how sad to grieve our good God's heart, by our unbelief. Unbelief, wrought from griefs and sins and sour complaining, is ugly and blinding. God's Word has the remedies and we can grow in faith to look to the God of His Word, when our hearts condemn and accuse the good God, who has cared so well for His people.
God seemed to say, I never hear you accuse Job of unbelief. He is careful to praise me. How many people on the earth were richer or poorer than Job, but one man was on the earth at that time whose praise to God had made him a monument of righteous love of God. The ungrateful rest of the world. Shameful that we are accepting the gifts of God and complaining about them with the breath that He lends. God help us to glorify God in our bodies.

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