Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Elder Bishop Ceasar said...

There is a blessing in each time that you read the Bible.

Could that be? I wondered curiously, long before I had ever attempted to read the Bible, from cover to cover. I was enamored by this statement and set myself to read the Bible, at least once, to know.
I read that passage already, one is tempted to think, who has not known the life and power of the true Word of the Living God. I would have been one of those, to whom the Word was just an accomplishment, at having read or touched each passage once with my eyes.
Bishop made me curious for communion with God, through His Word, by discussing the "Blessing".
Now, when I repeat that to my children, I try to put a number on it for emphasis, so that they can realize the infinite proportions of such a promise of God's fellowship. Is this the blessing of the 150th time that we have read this passage?
It usually quiets the murmurings, that we are reading...again. Halleluia, What a Savior!

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