Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Catechism continued:

Question number 10000:

What does the bible teach us in I Corinthians 13:4?

I Corinthians 13:4

As an expansion of the explanation of the fruit of the Spirit, I Corinthians 13 stands as a monument to the truth that Love is God and God is love.

God lends us a bit of himself in His attribute and more than an attribute being the essence of love!  God truly is the essence of love.   He has, throughout scripture revealed himself as targetted and true in his being the essence of love.

Examples of His expression of his unmerited and yet very targetted love toward all of his creation, but especially to mankind.

Many groups of people have used the documentation of ICor. 13 as a lofty symbolic ascent to the theory of love.

Love does something...


God suffers with us and he shows throughout scripture that his great intention for all people groups is to call them his own.  He intends to save us individually and He intends to save us as a culture.  He yearns and condescends and goes to great lengths to show Himself as the greatest lover!

We imitate him when we are truly targeted in our love of others to make them better.  We are limited and we cannot love or save anyone, the way God can.

But Corinthians arrow of examples of how we can imitate God in love is a tiny flashlight to our true significance as people, made in the image of God!.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

We Be Praisin' Him!

 "I don't know how many times I have been through Malachi, but today's reading made me so hopeful... Who will praise you more; the first son or the second?"

Malachi chapter 1

In my mind, I hear the prayers of dear and earnest Pastor Martin, that nearly made me gag, some mornings, when my morning sickness kicked in and he would pray about the dead dog sacrifices that we would be bringing to God in worship.  Oh dear, I had to puke!  Pastor Loran said something like that this past Sunday,  but southern people never try to make people puke in worship, no matter how much it might be appropriate.  We do not deserve anything that God has given us.  Not only are we neither Jacob, loved, nor Esau, hated,  we are of the third category, the ignored of the Lord, just gentiles.  Dead and ignorant dogs, to the chosen Israel.  Still, God promises not to ultimately forget us.  

Our promise is,  of the rocks I will raise up children of Abraham to praise me.  Hasn't he?  Ought we not out praise any of the other categories of praisers?

I must say that I have always wondered how they knew which of the flock was worthy of God's sacrifice and the answer is in Malachi.  God knows our hearts and what we cherish more and more with each sacrifice that we bring.  Do we bring the sacrifice of praise?  Do we cherish decorum?  Do we cherish our convenience?  Do we cherish our effort?  Do we bring them to Christ in worship?  Our college-educated intellect, do we bring it to Jesus, or do we check it at the door?  God says in Malachi, that he sees what we are bringing to worship.  He knows our hearts and He intends to shame the Old Testament saints with our worship.  Will it do?

We belong to Jesus!  We have been bought with a price! How can we but worship, with spirit, body and mind?  

Be attentive in worship!  Be present!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 In every season of life, but especially in seasons of grief, the temptation to bitterness looms large!  There are certain peculiar temptations that seem like the mouth of bitterness herself is engulfing.  Like being swallowed by a huge anaconda.  Your soul's body is enveloped by the situation.

I met a woman who showed me a particular understanding of just such a moment in the soul.  I must say that I have never been blessed by one prayer so much as that of this woman's one prayer.  Her posture was diminutive and she was clearly a caretaker of her family.  I was somewhat surprised that she was called on to pray for this situation at a church that we were visiting.  She rose from her seat and gave her "middle-school" child something to play with and then rose to the platform.  I was not prepared for the vision of spiritual brutality that I was about to observe.  Small in stature she was huge in voice and presence.  I immediately judged her as too powerful to be submissive to her husband who was behind her on the keyboard. (that later proved to be a wrong estimation). God was showing me, as he has been since I have come to NC, the amazing power of women's perspective in spiritual warfare.  It is clear that feminism hasn't blunted the power of womanly dominion in prayer down here, by any means.  But it has become a brooding of mine.   Greater understanding and use of the power of womanly perspective in prayer.

Her prayer wasn't full of language that impresses, but perspectives that are and were distinctly feminine.  Awareness that the subtlety of the enemy to women is a sensitivity that scripture addresses, she didn't at all seem overwhelmed by this knowledge of being the weaker vessel.  

She, as it were, put all of the confidence in her heavenly father and gave him all of her senses to ponder and enjoy.  Praise and an exalted view of His magnificence was most definitely first.  Part of the reason that it has taken me so long to write about it, was a confession of my diminished view of the power of God to understand my sensitivities as a woman.

Paying lipservice to an exalted view of God is one thing.  Trusting Him to translate your feeble, lisping stammering prayer into a battering rod against the enemy of our souls is another thing.  Is my rising to my prayer potential a competitive gesture against my husband or my pastor?  That is on them if they think that.  I am not praying to or for the fear of men!  She personified this intensely!

The power of God on earth is the reality of men and women access to the throne of grace in their full potential as warriors for His glory!  The mystery of "She shall be saved through the childbearing"  will reveal itself if and when we accept the distinction that childbirth and childrearing gives to women in the battle against the enemy of our souls.

He first comes to us in the conception and tries to convince us all to abort the mission!  Aborting her mission to raise a downsyndrom child made her a giant in prayer and I will always be in her debt to remind me of the exalted position for being victorious in that battle!  

He who has spared not His own son, shall he not also give us all things?