I have been meditating on this topic for years. But it came clear in my mind last year when I met a woman who was a wonder in her articulation of prayer to God about a subject that came up in a service. I was in awe of her ability to find the problem and speak it to God in a terse and wondrous way, without an accusatory tone or a judgment on the subject.
I, of course had come to a conclusion on the subject, as had everyone else in the room I thought. Who was right and who was wrong and whether or not the conflict could be resolved were seemingly clear. We were carrying wounded brethren to the cross for healing and help in a struggle. Her expression of that was forever a prick in my conscience and a standard that I intended from that moment to strive to attain. I want to listen to the subjects of my prayers like that! I want to carry their concerns to Jesus just like she just did! Wow!
I will take the rest of my life to grow up into an intercessor like that, but thank the Gracious God in Heaven that Jesus is in Heaven and hears us and intercedes for us in an infinitely greater way than even that woman. There are no words to express the reality of what the Holy Spirit does in our lives when He comes and interprets the longings and expressions of our groans and grunts, sometimes in words and sometimes not. He listens infinitely more intently than we ever could. He covers the gammitt of our need with intense healing and grace and we can trust Him to give us grace to endure unto the end, even in spite of our hardness and ineptitude.
"Men ought always to pray and not to faint"
Public prayer is not a free for all. I am not coming to God for myself alone. I am growing the faith of others in my responsibility, as well as articulating to God the needs of the people. Lord, your people have great needs that I am not worthy to carry to you, nor qualified to fully articulate to you. This is what they have said to me is the need. This is how the devil is using their conflict. This is how we see it and this is what your Word has said about the situation. So difficult a consideration to discuss with you, Lord.
I ask you to take the hearts in your hands and suture them and begin the healing process! Come with the medicines of Truth and Compassion to allow a season of refreshing that might enhance the healing process to take place. Give grace and peace to their hearts and souls as they attempt the difficult journey of forgiveness of one-another. I can't give these things to them but You can, Lord. Your people need to see the largeness of the God who can hold them and the trouble in His hands without conflict in His heart. You are no respecter of persons and You are no partisan. You can grow Your people to reflect Your ability to carry their loved ones and community to the Throne of Grace and find mercy and grace to assist the process and expedite the completion. In Jesus' Strong and Mighty name. AMEN