Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Wind is a Whisper!

The First Sunday of the Scopes Trial imagination

The powers of hell were roaring as the Twenties were in midswing.  Is the bible a suitable ingredient in American Education?  Who knew that this would be the question that would be answered and continue to be answered in 1925 by the Scopes Trial?  Were we to inherit the earth or the Wind?

A Suitable consequence for a country that had all but forgotten God in its revelry and consumption of war-games.  The world had forgotten God and was reeling from the economic crisis that the abolishment of slavery had sent.  What do we do with all of the people who have been used in body and soul and now have not the skills to become of any economic use?

Crash, it all came tumbling down and the stock market crashed and people went scurrying to find a place to hide from the economic crisis.  My family migrated from Jamaica, some about that time.  That real and unthwartable push to better the life of yourself and your children was worldwide, Blacks and Whites alike.

The reality of the Industrial Revolution had made the service industry a minimal useful economic equalizer.  Everybody was learning to recreate themselves, as we are now.  Some had little skills and some had none at all.  What do we owe our people and our children?  Preparations for life…  Where will that come from?  Is the Bible Relevant?  Is Darwinism?

Someone died at the end of the Scopes Trial and I call him the Steven of Darwin!  A great Theological Mind Gave his all to tell us the house was on fire!

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