The Unchristianizing of the English thinking mind?
The growth of a polytheistic world view in thinking and the rejection of Christian testimony as legitimate in e public arena...
Slavery affected India and the Americas in different ways. The dehumanization of an entire race of people has remained a global phenomenon. We legitimize certain expressions of overcoming the repercussions and devalue others. Whatever gets you on the economic totem pole is actualized. Religion is valued if it motivates you to get up from poverty and self deprecation.
There seems some relationship between the way we view our hair and our thinking. The Indians got the white mans hair some how in the interaction and the American blocks got an interspersing of the complexion. This complexion phenomenon crops up at very unassuming times. You can have two black parents have a nearly white colored child with straight hair and a biracial couple have a very dark child. It seems odd, but that doesn't seem to happen in the Indian interaction. They keep their moderate tone of complexion and the hair is the only showing of the interaction between them.
I may be begging the relationship between the respect for their thinking that was received and the hair. I only use it to show the relationship. There is a relationship between a culture that divorced itself from the African thinking in America and an amalgamation that was allowed in India. They really respected their maintaining an idolatrous relationship and despised the acceptance of Christianity, because of the conviction that its acceptance brought. How could a person see Christ in the devaluing of their humanity?
How could a person embrace a religion that relegates them to eternal subhuman status? We will be judged by our respect for the humanity of others. White and Black now as even in thinking must find a way to reconcile the unpaganism of our Christian routes, or the polytheism of India stand in the wings waiting to subdue us all. Reading books on thinking and mind development, the Middle East has flooded the market with philosophies. While we Christians still think that the growth of Christian thinking is leaning on a crutch of emotional ineptness.
Where are the developments of truly Chritian thought? Line upon line, etc. God give us grace to recapture the lost comradery to develop a "colorless Evangelical Thinking".