This year's Christmas meditation was from the song Oh Holy Night!I am always surprised at what phrases the Holy Spirit impresses my soul with for Christmas. For years, now there have been different highlighter pens that God has used to help me see the beauty and the splendor of His salvation plan that commenced at Christmas. I had to overcome some many and sundry complaints that I had laid up for God and once I had put them aside and repented of my bad attitude, I could see the goodness of God and how He shows us His goodness each and everyday and highlights it at Christmas time.
Of course, it is a constant struggle to get to church on time for the 8:30 service. I am always shocked at how very difficult it is to overcome this huge obstacle of timeliness. The one Sunday that we made it for the first hymn, God's highlighter was nearly visible. The music is never less than perfect at Central and the beauty and splendor of worshipful and God-centered messages are plenteous. It is like a well-watered garden, with no weeds and very few thorns. It isn't a stumblingblock for its well-delivered consistency either.
OH Holy Night!Don't we sing this every year Lord? Isn't this the millionth time that I have heard this hymn this year? And yet the Holy Spirit seemed to pull my coat tail with the pungency of this hymn. Heavens vails seemed to open, as they often do for me at the worship at Central. I could see numerous scribes penning the purposes that were implied and explicit in one line of that hymn. There was a team.
And the Soul Found its Worth!One phrase and yet each epoch of history that I had studied, from Old Testament through the present, were clarified.
God breathed into man and he became a living soul.What great worth is found in the breath of God, within us. And redemption added to that was infinite. Well, they were still writing, in Heaven when the song ended and the vail closed. I couldn't see them anymore, but I knew that the team was showing us the application of that phrase in the hymn and I felt that I was on the bench learning to code and to serve through my worship. Halleluia, what a Savior!
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