Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God Moves...

God moves in a mysterious way"Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan His work in vain; God is His own interpreter, And He will make it plain.
John chapter 4 (thoughts) The woman of Samaria won her whole city to Jesus. Perhaps her personal laziness caused her to interact with the Savior, because she was not godly enough to get water, without the backtalk. It should be a privilege to get water for the master, to the godly woman. Her laziness caused her to interact with Him. It seems that she was saying "Are you sure you want the likes of me to touch water for one as pious as you?" Jesus surely knew her heart. He didn't need water. He doesn't need anything that we can give Him. He was piercing into her unbelief, which in her was at the surface. It bled out over the entire city. She only needed a word. Still, later on, one who had seen the miracle of the water made into wine asked a miracle of life and only really believed when he knew what time it was that his son recovered. Sometimes the close we are to Jesus the more lazy we are in our seeking Him. We will find Him, if we seek. If we believe, because He told us of our sins and cleansed us, when we were too lazy, to even get water for Him. He will meet us. If we are too holy to think that our case could be solved by Him and ask in half believing faith, He will meet us, there. The worst case is that of the pious, who seek not because of self righteousness. They know not of the thorns and thistles that have long ago choked out the Word. They sleep in the harvest of their souls and the worst case will be their lot. Grant Lord, open eyes and busy hearts, that I may seek You, while You may be found.

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