“After death the judgment” After the book of Judges, 1 Samuel. The judgment of Israel in their sojourn into relationship with God for themselves is documented. They had no idea what they were getting into in this relationship that God had forged with them. None of us do, either personally or culturally, when we espouse to take the name of the Lord as our own. The grief of the loss of the arc and the loss of Eli and Hophni and Phinehas was the cry of Israel. They thought they had lost the war, they had only lost the battle, God was fighting the war. The temple of Dagon was next stop for the arc of God and it was just a representation of the faith of the people of God. He is not held in a single location, but He still fought for them, even after their miserable defeat to the Philistines. I adore that 1 Sam 5 begins with the expression of the backsliddenness of the arc from EBENEZER to Ashdod. From the rock of remembrance to the den of idols went the arc. God enters into this discussion with the Philistines, as if to say, would you include me as one of your devastations. Is God just another idol on the shelf of your worship? Ashdod felt justified to rejoice at the vanquishing of Israel, when they had just been shouting and glorifying God that He was present with them and it meant that He was on their side. Somebody needs a faith adjustment in this war. I promised to take over the faith of Gods people and snatch it out of the hands of the Hophnis and Phinehases of the world. God’s arc makes it very clear that he is not symbolized by anything apart from the sense of obedience and growing relationship with Him! Dagon was a false representation of God’s power and so were Eli and his sons. The head and hands of the devil, sowing despite against the worship of God to his people. God was merciful and slow to anger, but he was doing the same thing among the idolaters as he was to Israel. He was wooing them. Who is greater? He asks us this.
sorting out my meditations of the scriptures and fellowship, applying it to my own soul.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
The reality of Justice's wheel. And God's intention to save the nations
Monday, September 25, 2023
When God is disobeyed, He is faithful to judge!
September 25, 2023
The ushering in of Ichabod came to cleanse as well as to judge. Trust in the protection that the arc of God gave was high and the people felt their trust at a height. Like Samson, they shook themselves to be protected. God had spoken that destruction would come in one single day. The death of Eli, his sons and the taking of the arc to usher in a new era of learning to be obedient and trust in God’s deliverance based on obedience and not just bloodlines. The philistines had stolen their presumption and their leaning on the arm of flesh. Samuel was brought to the forefront in such a time.
Does it affect you, when the spiritual paradigm shifts? Ichabod’s mother couldn’t rejoice in a beautiful birth for the victorious Philistines. When God uses the ungodly to overwhelm our spiritual dominion, are we even aware? Oftentimes, we are not even aware of such losses. The devil is ultimately defeated, but upon earth we have given him the house. We have chosen not to war on our God’s behalf in the arena of public discourse. Abortion looms as a bastion of Demonic influence, not to mention many other areas… God’s Word in our schools. We pay taxes to a system that refuses to reinforce our customs and morals into our young. We are delegating them to rear our children to fight the devil’s warfare against us. In the name of pluralism and polytheism. God give us faith to see the ichabod seasons. { When the glory is departed and when it is revealed!}
I saw a hummingbird this morning. The world still turns and life goes on, but the arc is in enemy hands was the morning that they had awakened to. We don’t think like that. Taking God for granted and expecting his help and success regardless of our infidelity. Are we taking the enemy to task? We can’t if we don’t know the wares that he is peddling.
Friday, September 15, 2023
Judges 19??? So very Sad!
Judges 19 is the rise of sinfulness, when righteousness no longer exalts a nation. Could a whole nation plunge into acceptance of that kind of Psychotic behavior? Could it be that no person or angel could walk the streets at night, without fear of horror like that? Even in a believing community, if we are not guarded by God’s Word from our own impulses this is indeed possible. God grant us renewal and revival of God’s Word in our schools and in our upbringings, so that we needn’t find this out first hand, Please Lord!