“Putting on the Whole Armor of God”
Bringing a pen-knife to a Nuclear War. Oh no! Taking captivity captive is looking at your own personal warfare of the spirit as effectual to the complete vanquishing of the enemy of our souls. I see in scripture the importance of studying to show yourself approved.
Break every chain? Do we ask God to set free the powers of darkness? Do we want their chains taken off them? Are we ready to engage the enemy of our souls in the judgment? We aren’t ready. We have painted ourselves into a corner. We have laeodiciad the church. Lulled the masses to sleep and then accepted the heresy of begging God to set us against the enemy. Break every chain. I can just imagine how the enemy brings that corporate prayer to God and says they are asking for the judgment to be expedited. It is the free for all brought on by ourselves. In ignorance, we sing songs of prayer that bind and loose on earth, that which God has bid us to. We diminish the power of our corporate prayer by praying ambiguous prayers that the devil can use to fashion a noose around our necks to lynch us.
THe prayer of faith to save. Salvation is not ambiguous. Dominion is not ambiguous. Subdue the devil, Lord. Give us the victory and the power over the earth instead of him.
Study to be a warrior. Study to subdue. Study to know what season of the church we are in. Are we in the judgment? Are we equipped to subdue the enemy? The unity of the spirit in the bond of peace? Where is it? What are the necessary equipment that we need to subdue the devil and his minions? We should be listening to the foolishness of the thing
Proverbs 25:2
Verse Concepts
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Secrets
“Run, You Fools!” says Gandolf when he travels in fiction into the bottomless pit.
Jesus has vanquished the enemy of our souls and still we are hobbling, when we should be running like the fools that Gandalf called us. When will we pick apart the treasures that our forefathers have left for us and find the keys that God has revealed to them? When will we look into the things that God has already revealed? And run with haste to use them for HIs Glory!
Faith is the Victory that overcomes the world!!!