Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Christian in incomplete armor!

 “Putting on the Whole Armor of God”

Bringing a pen-knife to a Nuclear War.  Oh no!  Taking captivity captive is looking at your own personal warfare of the spirit as effectual to the complete vanquishing of the enemy of our souls.  I see in scripture the importance of studying to show yourself approved.

Break every chain?  Do we ask God to set free the powers of darkness?  Do we want their chains taken off them?  Are we ready to engage the enemy of our souls in the judgment?  We aren’t ready.  We have painted ourselves into a corner.  We have laeodiciad the church.  Lulled the masses to sleep and then accepted the heresy of begging God to set us against the enemy.  Break every chain.  I can just imagine how the enemy brings that corporate prayer to God and says they are asking for the judgment to be expedited.  It is the free for all brought on by ourselves.  In ignorance, we sing songs of prayer that bind and loose on earth, that which God has bid us to.  We diminish the power of our corporate prayer by praying ambiguous prayers that the devil can use to fashion a noose around our necks to lynch us.

THe prayer of faith to save.  Salvation is not ambiguous.  Dominion is not ambiguous.  Subdue the devil, Lord.  Give us the victory and the power over the earth instead of him.

Study to be a warrior.  Study to subdue.  Study to know what season of the church we are in.  Are we in the judgment?  Are we equipped to subdue the enemy?  The unity of the spirit in the bond of peace?  Where is it?  What are the necessary equipment that we need to subdue the devil and his minions?   We should be listening to the foolishness of the thing

Proverbs 25:2

Verse Concepts

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,

But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.


“Run, You Fools!” says Gandolf when he travels in fiction into the bottomless pit. 

Jesus has vanquished the enemy of our souls and still we are hobbling, when we should be running like the fools that Gandalf called us.  When will we pick apart the treasures that our forefathers have left for us and find the keys that God has revealed to them?  When will we look into the things that God has already revealed?  And run with haste to use them for HIs Glory!

Faith is the Victory that overcomes the world!!!

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Exodus 34

 I just love how God introduces himself as a jealous God to Moses.  You can’t know all about him and live.  The sight was too glorious and even the words couldn’t describe it completely.

He chose one group of people to woo with abandon and all knowledge about him from the outset.  A vision and words from behind the back of the Lord is a treasure.   That was the Old Testament’s hidden treasure.  The sacrifice that attones for sin had not yet completely been accomplished.  God is too holy to fellowship with sin and we reneged on the original agreement of fellowship.  Couldn’t live up to the bargain, we died.   Jesus always had the plan, but we couldn’t see it.  

That spectacular sight had a afterglow on Moses’ face.  It was relatively shortlived.  The effects of his encounter was eternal, though.

God’s eternal plan is exposing his personal loving expression to an ungrateful and incapable wretched race.  His longing and expressions of wooing are spurned, whether we are aware of His love or whether we are ignorant.  Still he lends us breath and life.  He still gifts us with much and many.  

He lets us pursue many and much as if they were gods.  All the while he draws and pursues us.  We break his heart and he chases us in love.  

His bride, the church, is learning to love him, as he desires.  Evangelical obedience is God’s plan for his church.  It is what is best for us in the world we live in.  There are curses on the land and in the spirit world that we are reversing in our obedience to him.   Righteousness exalts a nation…  How impossible that must have sounded to the Old Testament mind.  It must be the sacrifices that make us righteousness, would have been the reasoning to that in their understanding.  Jesus gives us the ability to learn and grow up into Christ in all things.  Amazing Grace!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Joy to the World...Let men their songs employ...Repeat the sounding joy...where ever the curse is found???

Reversing the curse?

Faith and unbelief are intertwined in all hearts.  The hearts of the openly faithful and the hearts of the openly unfaithful lie bare in the presence of the Lord.

The San Francisco movie made in the nineteen thirties gives me a view of how closely the mind of people were to right and wrong then.  I know that my father imitated the masculinity that he saw in that movie.  He probably was movie quoting so many times in the interactions that we had about faith in his latter life.  

I find it odd that men of seemingly complete unbelief can be so drawn to women of faith.  

{I have watched just the clip of Jeanette Macdonald singing San Francisco so many times and never, ever connected it with the san francisco earthquake.   I said to myself, she seems as though she is singing about heaven.  She gets so animated, which is not culturally usual for white women of operatic style?  I have studied the opposite parallel for years about the singing of San Francisco and Paradise.  I hadn’t noticed that the bar was called the Paradise. Until yesterday}

God’s jealousy for His Bride

Everyone who heard that woman felt as though they owned a part of her,  I saw this with Ethel Waters also, an aside.  Young people are looking for somebody to show them the right way.  Someone to give them a good reason to eschew evil is a longing in the heart.   There are so many duplicitous people.  Clark Gable had won over my father, even though he had seen the whole movie and knew God’s judgment was on him.  He was, as it were, prodding God to do some major demonstration to deserve his faith.  That is a faith to some people.  “ I will believe in God after the great earthquake, as it were.”  God doesn’t ever succumb to such provocations, even though he knows it might have won this one or that one to faith.  God was defending and demonstrating His righteous patience and indignation.  There are no angels who deserve a second chance.   It was as though jeanette macdonald was God’s gift to Clark Gable for his gift to the church.  She was his organ and his organ in the church was a line into his soul,  mustard seed, perhaps.  Anger and bitterness kept his faith dry and dead, if it were.  

God doesn’t get capriciously angry to punch us as Clark Gable did his friend, but God had to show that he is angry with the wicked everyday.   He hears the arguments of the wicked to him in their unbelief and is carrying on a conversation even with them as he does with the believer.  They will know when they are judged that they ended the conversation many times with God before he was finished.

There are many reasons that we all deserve the earthquake experience.  We provoke him everyday in our personal and in our public lives.  Only Jesus, has paid the price for sins and yet we sin, high handedly and low handedly so to speak.  But it was masterful that somebody made a parallel between God’s judgment and the development of San Francisco as a community.  Political, culture wars,  alcohol, gambling and pillars of economy…etc, etc.

He has helped us pick up the pieces of San Francisco and yet it still remains on the fringes as though it is a string uncut from the quilt of this nation. 

God, heal our every flaw!  Jesus keep us talking from the precipices of our sins and help us to grow an economy that reflects your truth and mercy.  Amen