The Tongue our measure, as individuals and as a culture? Submission of the tongue to 1. the mind 2. fear 3. truth 4. God’s Word 5. the culture surrounding?John the Baptist as a child reared in the fear of God and not the fear of man is my examination.
His head was severed from his body for having reproved the highest man in that land. {perhaps the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow} Our minds and hearts are searching for true and right instruction of our children. We desire to seize the day in terms of their greatest effectiveness for God upon the earth. Yet the song of Mary’s Baby in Negro Spirituals helps me to see the dichotomy of our African American parenting style. There is a subculture of rearing to the fear of man, that is clear in my watchfulness.
Why language learning early? Why math? These expressions of thought at an early age are debased as “other”. Other kinds of people engage in such. We train toward subjugation and asking permission. Am I allowed to think about this or that, mother? God is far above in the cast of characters from whom we borrow our breath? We can’t see Him for the cultural multitude telling us what to do. It is enough that we are allowed to live and have breath in this foreign land. We have been here for many years and we are still a subculture in our own estimations. This is something we must break the shackles of. where is the culture going? We must be at the helm of such thought or there will not be a straight direction.Headless Horsemen, do not take heed to the lot that fell to John the Baptist for thinking and expressing his spiritual assessment of the culture around him!Lord give grace to grow and to Stand in developing our minds!please...