Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Does God subdue Egypt alone or does He use His Church to vanquish? From Zechariah

Identifying and discerning the sword of Egypt from the sword of the Lord..  Not a sword, a scepter.

Subduing the scepter of Egypt means identifying it from the scriptures.

Several things that I noticed from the biblical accounts of Egypt differing from the historical accounts of Egypt.

1.         Egypt had many rules and regulations that directly impacted the religious practices of the Children of Israel.
2.        They hated shepherding, for some reason. The things that seemed repugnant to them always seemed to have something to do with the emotional
3.        They tried to control all grief and grieving exercises.
4.        They did seem to recognize sincerely held convictions that were in opposition to them, when proven.  This was a polytheistic practice that seemed to make people prove whether or not their God or gods should be included in their compilations.
They had a single ruler and focus and this added to their greatness in that they were able to see and agree that multiple decision makers breeds confusion.  

Monday, May 1, 2017

Zachariah 6 ???

Questions, questions.about Zechariah 6 Chariots not of fire?
My question is, why didn't the angel say what the red horse was doing? {the Bay and the bay of forgetfulness?} I think it is because the red horse was mimicing the red sea in Mercy. Covering the earth, north and south with the Red Sea of God's mercy. God is just that good.
He will do just what He said!
To and fro, the Bay?